Chris Muir ends his long hiatus tomorrow, and brings Zed, Sam, Jan and (my main man) Damon back to our screens.
Welcome home, Chris!
First it was Jesse "The Gypsy" Jackson. Then it was Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb and Libertarian Party presidential candidate Michael Badnarik (both of the "Hey, look at me! I'm a candidate with a snowball's chance in Hell of winning" crowd).
Now the Kerry-Edwards campaign has officially joined the growing din of whining liberals demanding a recount of votes in Ohio, according to a statement released by Cobb.
Today, attorneys representing the Kerry-Edwards campaign filed papers in Delaware County, Ohio to intervene in legal proceedings in defense of Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb, Libertarian Michael Badnarik and their legal counsel, the National Voting Rights Institute, who are seeking a recount of all votes cast for president in the Ohio 2004 general election.Liberals are trying for one last gasp at trying to change the outcome of the election; yet, they insist that WE are the bad guys.
According to reports from the Baltimore Sun & USA Today, NAACP head Kweisi Mfume is expected to announce his resignation from the post today.
Mfume, 56, has said he would like time off to spend with his six sons, the youngest of whom is 14. He also reportedly is looking forward to a break from the punishing schedule of leading the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the nation's oldest and largest civil rights group.Mfume was previously a Baltimore city councilman and a US Congressman from Maryland. He also had explored running for the office of mayor of Baltimore in the late 90s.Mfume will soon conclude his ninth year as NAACP president. He took over the organization amid financial problems and turmoil under the leadership of Benjamin Chavis.
After keeping a schedule that includes 65 trips a year on NAACP business, the source said, Mfume will likely take a vacation after his departure.
Mfume reportedly will serve as a consultant with the NAACP until the end of the year. The organization is expected to begin a nationwide search and have a new president by its next national convention in July 2005. According to NAACP rules, officers in the group cannot seek or hold public office.
Political allies said Mfume is eyeing a run for the U.S. Senate seat held by Paul S. Sarbanes, whose current term ends in 2006. Sarbanes is 71 and has not said publicly what his intentions are.
The group claims to be non-partisan, but past experience and practice have shown otherwise. I wouldn't be surprised if another Democratic politician (or former politican) gets the nod to replace Mfume. I wonder what Bill Clinton is doing with his time.... (he said with his tongue only HALF stuck in his cheek)
Butch Davis finally figured out that scoring 48 points is not a cause for celebration, when your arch-rivals (the Cincinnati "Bagels") score 58 points.
After saying he wouldn't be fired this season as recently as last week, Davis quit today.
And there was much rejoycing in the Dawg Pound.
I've been absent from the Komissar's "Show Trials" feature for awhile now....'tis more than time for me to make up for lost ground.
According to published reports, Sex and the City and Law & Order alum Chris Noth may reprise his role as Detective Mike Logan in the lead for Law & Order: Criminal Intent to replace lead Vincent D'Onofrio -- at least temporarily.
D'Onofrio has been suffering from a mystery illness that has left him with fainting spells -- though these things initially were attributed to D'Onofrio's support for John Kerry, and Kerry's November election loss.
Noth is set for a January episode reprising the Det. Mike Logan character he played from 1990-95 on the original L&O.Noth's portrayal of Mike Logan was well recieved by L&O fans, and was first reprised in a L&O television movie, "Exiled", in 1998.Erratic behavior of CI star Vincent D’Onofrio has NBC Universal executives considering Noth as an emergency backup in the lead detective role, according to industry sources.
The New York Post’s Page Six column has chronicled D’Onofrio’s instability, reporting that he passed out on the set, was starting fistfights and was an overall nightmare to work with.
He was hospitalized briefly after the first fainting spell, then returned to the hospital when he keeled over a week later at home. An NBC spokeswoman confirms Noth’s planned guest spot, but says she knows of no discussions of any cast changes on the show.
French auto maker Citroën stopped selling cars in the United States in the 1970s, but they have continued unabated overseas.
Citroën has a new ad campaign for their C4 model based on the old Transformers series that is simply fantastic.
When I pulled it up on my screen, both my teenaged daughter (who's already bugging me for a car) and my pre-teen son (who soon will be) exclaimed, "I want one!"
Alas, though this spot was shot in Vancouver, they're only available in Europe, which means I'm stuck with my kids driving my car.
US Congresscritter Mel Watt (D-NC) has been elected the new head of the Congressional Black Caucus. Watt, a Charlotte-area Democrat was apparently the only candidate for the chairman's seat of the organization, and will hold the seat for a two-year term.
Watt says that one of his primary goals will be to heal the ongoing rift with the Bush Administration. In addition, Watt says that the group will continue to work toward improving education, health care and employment opportunities for blacks.
"That's been a consistent agenda, and we never vary that agenda," Watt said in an interview last week. "It doesn't change from chairman to chairman. Closing and trying to eliminate the disparities in every element of our society between African Americans and white Americans."Let's hope that the continued bludgeoning of conservatives in general and Republicans in particular doesn't continue to be the agenda of the day for the CBC. But with their past track record, and the reelection of noted moonbat and antagonistic Republican-hater Cynthia McKinney (D-GA), I'm not holding my breath.
California school teacher Steven Williams has filed suit in Federal Court over the banning from his classroom of the Declaration of Independance, due to it's religious content.
The court documents are available for you to view courtesy of The Smoking Gun.
In the below federal discrimination lawsuit, filed Monday in U.S. District Court, Steven Williams contends that brass at Cupertino's Stevens Creek School have recently rejected his use of "curriculum-related handouts" like the Declaration, various state constitutions, George Washington's journal, John Adams's diary, and writings by William Penn. Williams alleges that the San Francisco-area school's principal, Patricia Vidmar, banned the use of these handouts because "many original source documents from the founding era contain references to God and Christianity." Williams alleges that Vidmar cracked down on his lesson plans in May, shortly after he distributed an example of a presidential proclamation. The document he chose was one issued by President George W. Bush dealing with a National Day of Prayer.Williams "understands and admits that he is not permitted to 'proselytize' or seek to convert his students to Christian beliefs during instructional time."
But to insist that Williams not use historic documents key in the formation and development of this nation is unconscionable. So because of "political correctness" we are supposed to ignore our nation's history?
Just damn.
The first Thanksgiving in the United States of America did not mention the Pilgrims or Indians or turkey or football.
Contrary to popular belief, Thanksgiving was initially set aside in the United States for it's citizens to give thanks to Almighty God, and for prayer.
Of course, that isn't politically correct in today's day and age, after all, everyone is so concerned with a "separation" of church and state. But in 1789, and at the behest of President George Washington, America gave thanks and praise to God; much as my family, along with countless other families regardless of faith, will do tomorrow.
By the President of the United States of America, a Proclamation.And as you pause from your day of sharing and football and turkey and trimmings to give thanks and praise, I also thank God for you. For as much as I do this for me, I do this for you, and without you, I would be diminished.Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor-- and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.
Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be-- That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks--for his kind care and protection of the People of this Country previous to their becoming a Nation--for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of his Providence which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war--for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed--for the peaceable and rational manner, in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted--for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed; and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us.
and also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions-- to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually--to render our national government a blessing to all the people, by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed--to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shewn kindness unto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord--To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the encrease of science among them and us--and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best.
Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.
Geo. Washington
Thank you, and God bless you.
Cupertino, California school teacher Steven Williams has been barred from showing his fifth grade students the Declaration of Independance and other historic American documents, simply because they contain references to God.
Since May, Williams has been required to submit lesson plans and teaching materials to the principal of Stevens Creek Elementary School, Patricia Vidmar, for approval.
Monday, Williams filed a discrimination suit in US District Court in San Jose, claiming he had been singled out for censorship because he is a Christian.
"It's a fact of American history that our founders were religious men, and to hide this fact from young fifth-graders in the name of political correctness is outrageous and shameful," said Williams' attorney, Terry Thompson.This needs to stop. Teaching historical documents and about those who created those documents has no business being watered down to satisfy someone's notion of political correctness. And to have the very audacity to eliminate the Declaration of Independance from a school curriculum is unconscionable."Williams wants to teach his students the true history of our country," he said. "There is nothing in the Establishment Clause (of the U.S. Constitution) that prohibits a teacher from showing students the Declaration of Independence."
Williams asserts in the lawsuit that since May he has been required to submit all of his lesson plans and supplemental handouts to Vidmar for approval, and that the principal will not permit him to use any that contain references to God or Christianity.
Among the materials she has rejected, according to Williams, are excerpts from the Declaration of Independence, George Washington's journal, John Adams' diary, Samuel Adams' "The Rights of the Colonists" and William Penn's "The Frame of Government of Pennsylvania."
"He hands out a lot of material and perhaps 5 to 10 percent refers to God and Christianity because that's what the founders wrote," said Thompson, a lawyer for the Alliance Defense Fund, which advocates for religious freedom. "The principal seems to be systematically censoring material that refers to Christianity and it is pure discrimination."
I'm proud of this nation, and proud to be an American. All three of my children are taught about what those documents are and what they mean, and should mean to each and every person in this country. And I defy any educator --and I come from a family of educators who agree with me-- to try to tell me otherwise.
On checking the website for Stevens Creek Elementary, I found that the site is down this evening. Whether that was due to the interest from around the nation, or due to some action by the school or the Cupertino Unified School District is not known at this point.
John Bambenek has graciously supplied us with the contact information for the school and school district:
Stevens Creek SchoolI'm sure they are tired of all the calls, faxes and e-mails, but this is one case where, quite frankly, I don't give a damn.
10300 Ainsworth Drive
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 245-3312
Patricia Vidmar, Principal
(408) 245-3312 x 110
Fax (408) 245-7484
Part of the Cupertino Union School District:
10301 Vista Drive
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 252-3000
William E. Bragg, Superintendent
Have at it, true believers!
The NAACP has released a statement condemning the offensive language from Madison, WI radio host John "Sly" Sylvester, where he referred to Secretary of State-designee Condoleezza Rice as "Aunt Jemima," and outgoing Secretary of State Colin Powell as "Uncle Tom," last week.
(NAACP President Kweisi) Mfume said, “Her counsel is respected and valued in her field and in the upper echelons of her political party.” Moreover, “Rice, a PhD and former Stanford University Provost, is an example of how far hard work, education and determination can take one to new heights,” said Mfume.It took long enough.He went on to say that “attacks on Rice by the radio host and political cartoonists who use stereotypes and racial caricatures are just as bad as those who hide under sheets and burn crosses. This is something the NAACP has fought against for more than 95 years and something we will continue to oppose.”
On the other side of the coin, Sylvester continues to have his supporters, and those in the People's Republic of Madison who look down on blacks who dare to think outside the box, and who dare to leave the socio-political plantation that they'd prefer that all blacks stay on.
A semi-intelligible Ron Artest appeared on NBC's Today Show this morning, and demonstrated that he clearly has no clue of the magnitude of his wrong-doing. To hear him tell it during the interview with Matt Lauer, he didn't do anything wrong.
Artest then boasted of the fact that "I never harmed anyone." Makes you wonder what he was trying to do when he was throwing haymakers at fans in the stands?Artest did not apologize, and spent the latter part of the interview trying to hype his upcoming rap CD, claiming that he hoped the girls (the group Allure, who's CD he's producing) aren't hurt by this.Asked to explain why he went into the stands, Artest statede: "I was frustrated. The tape speaks for itself."
He continued, describing the situation when he was lying on a table at courtside and was hit by a cup of beer: "It was just like 'wow, a cup and a beer,' it almost hit my eye. It was like 'wow.'"
Lauer: "Did it pop into your mind that 'I've crossed a line'?"
Revealing the extent of his self-delusion, Artest replied:
"I think I'm pretty disciplined. You can answer the questions from the tape."
Artest insists that the suspension levied by NBA Commissioner David Stern was too harsh, and says the he hopes to be back by playoff time -- as if the Pacers now have anything beyond a snowball's chance in hell of making the playoffs in the first place.
He claims that once he comes back that he can "help the League improve its image."
Don't mind the cynical chuckle from me. After all, Artest only has been suspended from games every year for the period he's been in the League due to his volatility. Never mind that he was actually benched 12 games in high school due to his volatility.
It's painfully obvious that this is a man with major impulse control issues. And sadly it's painfully obvious to everyone except Ron Artest.
Dan "What's the Frequency Kenneth" Rather will be stepping down from the anchor chair of the CBS Evening News in March, 24 years after assuming the role of anchor and managing editor from Walter Cronkite.
Rather's been under major fire after several reports critical of President Bush, the truth and veracity of which were questionable at best.
"I have been lucky and blessed over these years to have what is, to me, the best job in the world and to have it at CBS News. Along the way, I've had the honor of working with some of the most talented, dedicated professionals in the world, and I'm appreciative of the opportunity to continue doing so in the years ahead," Rather said in a statement.Kenneth didn't mention the "Rathergate" scandal in his statement, though critics will most likely point to that as a part of the reason for the announcement.
He'll continue as a correspondent to 60 Minutes, and will likely contribute other reports to the network. There's been rampant speculation as late as yesterday that Rather might anchor an 8P ET newscast for CNN, but no word one way or the other on that front (even though former Rather-boss Jonathan Klein is taking over as head honcho for CNN's domestic newsroom).
CBS has not named a successor to Rather, but most pundits point toward Chief White House Correspondent John Roberts as the most likely candidate for the center seat.
Rather's departure comes on the heels of next week's retirement of long-time NBC anchor Tom Brokaw, who will be replaced in the anchor chair on the NBC Nightly News by Brian Williams.
Madison, WI radio personality John Sylvester gave a half-assed "apology" for racially insulting Secretary of State-designee Condoleezza Rice in a letter to newspapers this morning.
I'm concerned that I have offended many African-Americans by using a crass term to describe an incompetent, dishonest political appointee of the Bush administration. I apologize. I know the term "Aunt Jemima" is not complimentary to African-American women who have worked so hard and yet receive so little from our great country.This radio hack thinks that by giving a back-handed slap at Rice, and by extension black conservatives across the nation, that he can attone for his offensive behavior.I will not, however, apologize for pointing out that while Rice has clearly enjoyed the American dream, she has allowed herself to be used as a black trophy by an administration that is working hard to deny that dream to other African-American women.
Rice has had a very successful career in academia, but unfortunately she has clearly forgotten that many African-Americans are still paying the price for a country that promoted years of segregation, oppression and discrimination.
I would dare say that it doesn't. If anything, it adds fuel to the fire.
Sylvester presumes to think for black America, and feeds into the misconception that black America is an ideological and intellectual monolith that can be led around by a would-be white "good guy" who's come to save the day from the "eeevil" conservatives.
He figures he can get away with insulting black conservatives, because in his pitiful little mind, blacks who happen to be conservative "aren't really black after all."
Pathetic. Simply pathetic.
As I see the progress on 20th Century Fox's adaptation of Marvel's Fantastic Four (opening July 4, 2005), I continue to become more and more impressed.
Looking at this shot of Nip/Tuck's Julian McMahon as Victor Von Doom in full costume and makeup for the upcoming summer blockbuster, I can safely say THEY GOT IT RIGHT!
Major League Baseball announced that upon their move to the Nation's Capitol, the Montreal Expos will become the Washington Nationals. This is a return to the original name of the Washington baseball team, which was known as the Nationals from 1901 to 1956. "Senators," the more widely known name, was an informal name for the earlier team, and the offical name of the second chapter of Washington's baseball history, from 1960 to 1971.
The team's primary logo is shown above, but caps will be similar to those of the old Washington Senators, which last played at DC's RFK Stadium in 1971.
The Expos will play at RFK until a new stadium is built in Southwest Washington, near the Navy Yard on the Anacostia River.
The 2004 Weblog Awards are undergoing nominations at this point -- you can nominate your favorite weblog (like me, nudge-nudge, wink-wink, hint-hint) for one or more categories.
According to Kevin Aylward from Wizbang, voting for the nominees should commence on December 1, 2004.
As I said in the title, I'm being shameless, so I'd love to be nominated and voted for (nudge-nudge, nod-nod, wink-wink) in one or more categories.
(So, to coin an old Chicago voting phrase, vote early and vote often!)
The suspensions have been lined up like dominos; Indiana's Artest gets to sit out the remainder of the season sans pay, Jackson is benched for 30 games, O'Neal for 25. Detroit's Ben Wallace is suspended for 6 games, while Anthony Johnson is out for 5, and Eldon Campbell, Chauncey Billups, Derrick Coleman and Reggie Miller each getting docked a game for leaving the bench during an on-court altercation.
Of course, the players' union is calling the punishments excessive, and is promising an appeal as early as tomorrow.
NBA Commissioner David Stern says that the League has to demonstrate that they are serious about discipline in matters like these.
"We have to make the point that there are boundaries in our games," Stern said. "One of our boundaries, that have always been immutable, is the boundary that separate the fans from the court. Players cannot lose control and move into the stands."Artest claims that he isn't being treated fairly, given the circumstances.
"I respect David Stern, but I don't think that he has been fair with me in this situation," Artest said in a statement released by the players union in which he also expressed his regrets.Indiana fans and writers alike came to Artest and the Pacers' defense over the weekend, but they all fail to realize that if incidents like this are allowed to stand without repercussions for all involved -- players and fans alike -- that the NBA's already tarnished image will slide into the toilet for good."The NBA has singled out Jermaine O'Neal in an arbitrary and capricious way," agent Arn Tellem said, faulting the NBA for not considering the players' fear for their own safety.
Pacers co-owner Herb Simon issued a statement saying "We believe that there was a rush to judgment and not enough opportunity for all sides to be heard. We will vigorously support our players in any available appeal process.
The fans were wrong; they were no better than drunken fans at a NASCAR event or in the bleachers at Wrigley Field or Fenway Park. But the players are supposed to be professionals. They have a responsibility to be mature enough to step away from situations like that, not to wade into the middle of them like an out of control bull in a china shop.
Oakland County, MI police are expected to have something to say in the matter as the week progresses, and criminal charges against the fans involved in the fracas are expected. It is less clear as to whether charges will be levied against the players involved.
The wheels of justice continue to slowly grind forward.
For their parts in the ugly brawl that marked the end of last night's Pacers-Pistons matchup, Detroit's Ben Wallace, along with Indiana's Ron Artest, Stephen Jackson & Jermaine O'Neal have been "suspended indefinitely" by the NBA.
...a fight with fans that commissioner David Stern called "shocking, repulsive and inexcusable - a humiliation for everyone associated with the NBA."Wallace claims that he didn't start the fight, but that he was just "playing the game."League officials and police were examining videotapes of Friday night's melee and interviewing witnesses. The NBA issued a statement saying it was reviewing rules and security procedures "so that fans can continue to attend our games unthreatened by events such as the ones that occurred last night."
Artest, O'Neal and Jackson - who all threw punches at spectators in the stands or on the court at the end of the nationally televised Pacers-Pistons game - were to begin serving their suspensions Saturday night, when Indiana hosted Orlando.
Wallace's suspension will start at home Sunday night against Charlotte, the next game for the reigning NBA champion Pistons.
The exact length of the four players' bans could be announced as early as Sunday.
Quiet as it's kept, he's right. His team was losing, and Wallace was going up for a layup. Artest (already a pegged for a loose cannon with little business in the League) hit Wallace from behind in a hard, blatant foul that should have earned him an instant technical foul.
Wallace retaliated (which arguably, he shouldn't have done) by shoving Artest, and that started the on-the-floor fight that got settled after a few minutes.
Artest then laid down flat on his back in the middle of the scorers table. That should have gotten Artest another foul, if not an outright ejection, but things were about to get much, much worse.
Artest took a full cup of beverage in the face from a fan. And instead of being the professional that he's supposed to be and removing himself from the situation, he charged into the stands going after who he thought was the drink thrower. And he took a swing at the wrong fan!
Then, unbelievably, O'Neal & Jackson took off into the stands along with Artest, swinging at fans along the way!
As far as I'm concerned, Artest's NBA career should be over. Period. If I were commissioner, O'Neal and Jackson would be forced to sit out the season. All would be fined in addition to the suspensions and expulsions.
But I'm not commissioner. David "Show me the money" Stern is. So don't hold your breath.
The League may give the length of the suspensions as early as tomorrow, as the NBA tries to put this sorry chapter behind them.
Local police were reviewing ESPN's game footage to determine if criminal charges would be brought against anyone, fan or player. I expect to hear something from the local authorities on Monday or Tuesday.
Jackie Chan was nowhere to be found, but finally, we have found a fully sorted-out timeline of last night's game-ending brawl between the Pistons, the Pacers and the fans at The Palace of Auburn Hills.
The brawl began with 45.9 ticks on the clock as Indiana's Ron Artest blatantly fouled Detroit's Ben Wallace hard as Wallace was going up for a layup. Indiana was ahead 97-82. Or in other words, there was no way Detroit could even consider winning.
The melee escalated from there.
Pistons coach Larry Brown took the mike and attempted to quell the disturbance, but tossed the mike down in disgust after it became obvious that the fans were in no mood to be placated.
- Wallace wheels around and delivers a hard, two-handed shove to Artest's chin, which leads to pushing and shoving with several players near midcourt.
- Artest lies on the scorer's table with his hands behind his head, looking relaxed. Wallace tries to get at Artest, but is held back by teammates and coaches.
- As players shout at each other, Wallace throws a wristband toward Artest, who stands up briefly before lying back down on the scorer's table.
- An unidentified fan near midcourt hits Artest in the face with a cup filled with ice and a beverage.
- Artest storms into the stands and attacks a fan, who he thinks hurled the cup at him.
- Indiana's Stephen Jackson joins his teammate in the seats and starts throwing punches.
- David Harrison, Eddie Gill and Fred Jones of the Pacers, Detroit's Rasheed Wallace and former Piston Rick Mahorn try to break up the fight between Pacers and fans, who land their share of punches.
- Back on the court near Indiana's bench, Artest punches a fan wearing a Pistons jersey who walked toward him. After another fan tries to tackle Artest and as he tries to stand up, Jermaine O'Neal runs toward him and lands a vicious right hand on his face.
- Pacers players and coaches leave the floor and are showered with beer, popcorn and assorted debris, including a folding chair.
- Indiana's Jamaal Tinsley tries to go back on the court, holding a metal dust pan over his head before he is turned back to the locker room.
Players from both teams left the arena without commenting to the press, but both coaches gave their two cents about the ugly incident, both calling it "unbelievable."
UPDATE: Here's a video of the brawl, courtesy of my blog-brother Avery Toley.
That is the new Jetta?
Just damn. It's just plain ugly.
Project 21 released a press release this afternoon on the constant and continuous bashing of Dr. Rice -- I'm quoted in the piece.
Black Activists Condemn Anti-Rice Hate SpeechCivil rights Leaders Criticized for Ignoring Attacks on Conservative Minorities
For Release: November 19, 2004
Contact: David Almasi at 202/371-1400 x106 or Project21@nationalcenter.orgPresident Bush's nomination of Condoleezza Rice as secretary of state as resulted in harsh liberal criticism that members of the black leadership network Project 21 consider racist.
Along with their condemnations of offensive commentators and cartoonists, Project 21 members also are critical of self-professed civil rights leaders who are remaining silent on current and previous racial attacks on black Bush Administration officials.
Over the past few months, and peaking this week with her appointment, cartoonists have been using Dr. Rice's race as a point of ridicule. Demeaning political cartoons by Pat Oliphant and Jeff Danziger accentuate Dr. Rice's black features and feature her speaking in rural southern dialect. Garry Trudeau called her "Brown Sugar" in his "Doonesbury" comic strip. Earlier this year, cartoonist Ted Rall questioned Dr. Rice's race in a comic suggesting she was President Bush's "house nigga" and needed "racial re-education." Universal Press Syndicate distributes Oliphant, Trudeau and Rall. The New York Times distributes Danziger.
On November 17, radio host John "Sly" Sylvester called Dr. Rice "Aunt Jemima" and secretary of state Colin Powell "Uncle Tom" on his WTDY (Madison, Wisconsin) radio show. Sylvester, who also is the station's program director, is refusing to apologize, but has said, "I will apologize to Aunt Jemima." The station's owner, the Mid-West Broadcast Group, is declining to discipline him.
In late October, a conservative host at WISN in nearby Milwaukee was suspended for a week for calling an illegal Mexican immigrant a "wetback."
While some local leaders have condemned Sylvester's comments, the Madison chapter of the NAACP has so far declined to make a statement. Project 21 asked the NAACP's national leadership to condemn Rall's racist cartoon in July, but no action was taken. Jesse Jackson and the National Association of Black Journalists were also contacted at the time. They took no action.
"To hear the leftists tell it, conservative blacks have become the new 'trash class' of American society," said Project 21 member Michael King. "And with the continued cricket-filled silence from the professional civil rights crowd, the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons give tacit permission and acceptance of such language and tactics."
King's comments are echoed by Project 21 member Mychal Massie: "The recent racist attacks and mimicry of Condoleezza Rice are infuriating and despicable. Even more insufferable is the deafening silence of the elite liberals. I believe their silence is proof positive of their personal racist attitudes. Obviously condemning racist attacks against a man and woman who are conservative and black is not a worthy undertaking for them."
Project 21, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization, has been a leading voice in the black community since 1992. For more information, contact David Almasi at (202) 371-1400 x106, e-mail or visit Project 21's website at
And it ain't hot either!
Howard Stern (Mike spits on sidewalk) is giving away free Sirius satellite radio systems with a committment to a one year contract (of course you've gotta pay to get the thing installed, too). It comes out to a $150 value, overall.
Not that everyone is a Stern fanatic (actually, I can't stand the guy), but Sirius has all sorts of programming including each and every NFL play-by-play broadcast in the League.
Here's what ya gotta do:
John Sylvester, who is known on the air as "Sly," continued an on-the-air tirade against Secretary of State-designee Condoleezza Rice on WTDY-AM Madison, WI yesterday. Sylvester referred to Rice as "Aunt Jemima," and compounded his verbal assault by calling departing Secretary of State Colin Powell "Uncle Tom."
Sylvester claims that his black listeners "gave him permission" to use those disparaging terms about the duo, whom he insists are "letting themselves be used" by conservatives -- as if they don't have an original thought capable of being conserative.
Sly, the on-air name for John Sylvester, told WTDY-AM (1670) morning show listeners that Rice, who is black, bought her way into the White House with obedience to President Bush.The "soul patrol" continues its "acceptance-by-silence" rule over Sylvester's bleatings; that "rule" appears to be par for the course for all of the racially-tainted criticism of black conservatives in general, and Rice in particular of late."I'm not apologizing for what I said," Sylvester said Thursday in an interview. "I stand by it.
"I was aiming that directly at a black person that is letting himself (and herself) be used by an administration that has been extremely hostile to minorities," he said.
"Being subservient and being a black role model are two different things. I think (Rice) has not only been bad for the country and for national security, but I think she's been a bad black role model.
"I don't think being subservient to white people and not blowing the whistle on their misdoings is a good role model at all."
Political cartoonists continue to lampoon Rice in bigoted cartoons across the nation, yet if any conservative-leaning commentator, writer, columnist, cartoonist, talk show host or anyone else for that matter, even strayed near that path, he/she'd be run out of the nation on a rail. And that goes the same for conservative blacks as well as whites, especially as noted by the amount of hate mail I've entertained behind my past criticisms of Jesse Jackson in print, online and in the broadcast media.
The double-standard is alive and well in black America, and I'm sorry to say that there appears to be no end to it in sight.
Ted Rall has finally been given the axe from the Washington Post's web site.
Rall, whose cartoons give new meaning to the term "bedwetting liberal," has been under fire off and on since insulting former Arizona Cardinals player Pat Tillman, after his death with in combat in Afghanistan.
Rall's infantile scrawlings have included racially-tinged etchings against National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, and most recently (and what got him yanked from the Post) a cartoon that showed a drooling mentally ill student.
Rall said he thinks the site dropped his work because of a Nov. 4 cartoon he did showing a drooling, mentally handicapped student taking over a classroom. "The idea was to draw an analogy to the electorate -- in essence, the idiots are now running the country," he told E&P.The Post received some complaints from readers criticizing the decision to drop Rall."That cartoon certainly drew a significant amount of negative comment from our users," said Executive Editor Doug Feaver when contacted by E&P. But he added that the decision to drop Rall was a "cumulative" one that had been building for a while.
"Ted Rall does very interesting work," Feaver said. "Some of it is not funny to an awful lot of people. We decided at the end of the day that it just did not fit the tone we wanted at"
Rall was dropped effective Nov. 15, according to Feaver.
Rall himself criticized the site for the decision, saying that it was only over one "boneheaded drawing."
I, for one, won't be lamenting the Post's decision, but I'm sure there are plenty of other Kool-Aid drinkers who will.
If you've just GOTTA see the 'toon that got him finally yanked, it's below the fold.
The New York Times pulled Rall earlier this year -- though his syndicator, United Press Syndicate is still defending him.
Here's hoping that he's relegated to the alternative press out there, where they sit around in a circle and drink Kool-Aid together.
US GIs going through the beleagured Iraqi city of Fallujah happened upon what is believed to be a training center for the terrorist group headed by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi -- the very group that started the latest beheading craze (starting with Nick Berg).
And how did the troops know it was Zarqawi's place? Probably because of the "Al Qaeda" sign out front.
In video footage shot by an embedded CNN crew, soldiers walked through one imposing building with concrete columns with a large sign in Arabic on the wall reading "Al-Qaeda Organiation" and "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger."Just damn.Inside the building, US soldiers found documents, old computers, notebooks, photographs and copies of the Qu'ran.
The footage also showed that flight patterns were found for aircraft, along with plans and instructions for how to shoot them down.
There were also two letters inside the house, one from al-Zarqawi giving instructions to two of his lieutenants in the region. Another sought money and help from the terrorist leader.
Is it just me, or does the new Clinton Presidential Library, from a distance, look for all the world, like an oversized double-wide trailer hanging out over the edge of the Arkansas River?
Ready to buy Lands' End clothes, Kenmore appliances and Craftsman tools at your local K-Mart? How 'bout Martha Stewart housewares or Joe Boxer underwear at Sears?
You time will be coming soon.
K-Mart is purchasing Sears in an $11 billion deal that was announced today.
Both chains will still exist, though "a number" of K-Mart locations will be rebranded as Sears stores.
The new company, to be known as Sears Holding Co., will be headquartered in Chicago. This comes as a disappointment to business-watchers here in metro Atlanta, as K-Mart was seriously considering moving their corporate headquarters to Atlanta as recently as this past September.
Leftist columnists and cartoonists have opened up with both barrels on Secretary of State-designate Condoleezza Rice. As many remember, moonbat Ted Rall used his waste of space in newspapers everywhere this summer to insult Dr. Rice's race. Project 21 sent a formal letter of protest (under my signature) to Rall's synidcator, Kansas City-based United Press Syndicate, demanding Rall's removal from their slate of cartoonists, barring an apology. We also sent letters to the National Association of Black Journalists, the NAACP and Rainbow/PUSH, asking for their support in the matter.
United blew us off, saying that it was a free-speech issue; the NAACP sent us a form letter that basically said thanks, but no thanks; and from the NABJ & Jesse Jackson, we heard crickets.
Just last month, political cartoonist Jeff Danziger went down the same racially insulting road. At least Danziger had the where-with-all to pull the cartoon after a ruckus ensued over it's content.
Well, now that Dr. Rice has been nominated as the next Secretary of State, the moonbats are crawling out of the woodwork.
Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Pat Oliphant has scrawled cartoons for multiple days of Dr. Rice as represented by a parrot with exaggerated lips, bucked teeth and dark skin, perched on a pirate's (President Bush's) shoulder.
A new column in the UK's Mirror newspaper continued the insult-fest.
IF THERE were a monkey in the White House - and many reckon there is - then his trainer would be the world's most powerful person.Other political cartoonists made Condi fodder for varying degrees of insulting fury across the nation.
As I've said here and elsewhere though, I'm not holding my breath waiting for any outrage on the part of the "soul patrol." After all, both the "soul patrol" and the remainder of the leftists out there have proven that racist statements against blacks are OK (contrary to their constant bleatings), provided they're against blacks who happen to be conservative.
ABC has formally apologized for a slightly raunchy open to Monday Night Football featuring Philadelphia's Terrell Owens and actress Nicolette Sheridan of ABC's prime-time sudser Desperate Housewives.
The open featured Sheridan, clad only in a towel, trying to entice Owens. Once Sheridan dropped her towel, Owens opted out of the game, saying the team would have to win without him.
In the taped segment, Sheridan drops a towel and is shown from a rear angle unclothed down to the lower part of her back. After Owens says, "Aw, hell, the team's going to have to win without me," Sheridan jumps into his arms.I missed the open myself; then again, everyone seems to be on pins and needles lately when it comes to "decency" or at least percieved decency on television."We have heard from many of our viewers about last night's MNF opening segment, and we agree that the placement was inappropriate," ABC vice president Mark Mandel said in a statement. "We apologize."
In a strongly-worded statement, NFL public relations vice president Greg Aiello said, "ABC's opening was inappropriate and unsuitable for our Monday Night Football audience. While ABC may have gained attention for one of its other shows, the NFL and its fans lost."
A spokeswoman for the FCC who declined to be identified, said, "I can confirm we did receive complaints" about the ABC MNF opening. She said the complaints will be reviewed.
If an "apparent violation" of the rules is determined, the FCC would issue a "letter of inquiry" to ABC asking for more information about the incident. If a violation is ultimately determined, penalties that could include fines could ensue.
But with the kind of ratings Desperate Housewives has been getting, ABC isn't going to yank it off the air any time soon.
A video released today shows the murder of CARE worker Margaret Hassan in Iraq.
The Irish family of aid worker Margaret Hassan taken hostage in Iraq have said they believe she is dead.Hassan was kidnapped by AQ-affiliated terrorists more than a month ago. She subsequently appeared in several videotaped messages pleading for the British government to acquiese to the monsters' demands to withdraw their troops in exchange for her life.Their statement followed reports in Iraq of a video reportedly showing her murder.
Downing Street did not, and does not, as a matter of policy, negotiate with terrorists.
The body of a blond-haired woman was found on the streets of Fallujah by US Marines engaged in battle there. It is widely thought that the body is that of Hassan, but no confirmation has been made as of the present.
This morning, someone suggested to me that Bill Cosby might be someone worth the Bush Administration's attention for the post of Secretary of Education.
I got that same quizical look on my face that probably is on yours at reading that statement. But after his continued vocal defiance of the "Soul Patrol" who would rather he dummied up and kept our collective "dirty laundry" in the closet, one has to wonder.
'Let them stay mad," Bill Cosby told CNN's Paula Zahn last week.Cosby's educational credentials are well known and respected.But Cosby has no plans to shut up. "This is about little children and people not giving them better choices," the 67 year-old actor-comedian told Zahn. "How long you gonna whisper about a smallpox epidemic in your apartment building when bodies are coming out under the sheets?"
At a Jesse Jackson confab in Chicago over the summer, Cosby kept up the scolding, despite being accused of airing African-Americans' dirty laundry in public. Cosby shot back that this dirty laundry is displayed on a daily basis by black youths who use profanity, call each other the "N" word, and think they're hip even thought they're barely literate.
He blasted blacks who hurl the same racial slurs at each other that are used by racist whites, and who don't take advantage of the opportunities that were so hard won by the heroes and heroines of the civil rights movement. And he offered no soothing words for black men who passed up the chance to get a high school education, but now vent their anger at not being able to earn a good living on the women in their lives.
He holds a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. His doctoral thesis used his Fat Albert characters as a basis for teaching aids in the classroom. He was involved in the early seasons of CTW's (now Sesame Workshop) The Electric Company, and he created and produced Picture Pages for CBS and PBS' Captain Kangaroo. His Little Bill is currently part of the lineup of educational programs on NickJr.
Cosby's more recent outspoken stance toward education and personal responsibility has earned the ire of many from the "Soul Patrol" sector of black America, but because of his background and history, many other blacks are listening.
Perhaps it is time to bring his no-nonsense truth and wisdom to the Education Department.
Garrison Keillor, host of American Public Media & NPR's popular A Prairie Home Companion the weekend after the November elections, during a live broadcast:
"I am now the chairman of a national campaign to pass a constitutional amendment to take the right to vote away from born-again Christians."Keillor unabashedly claims to be a Democrat, and wears his politics on his sleeve.
According to the University of Chicago Maroon newspaper, Keillor said, "If born-again Christians are allowed to vote in this country, then why not Canadians?"
I guess religious freedom is OK, provided you aren't a conservative and a Christian -- at least in Lake Wobegon.
Dr. Condoleezza Rice is President Bush's choice to replace Colin Powell as Secretary of State.
Senior administration sources confirmed that Rice would be Bush's choice. The news came just hours after the White House announced Powell had submitted his resignation.Don't be surprised if Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge are next on the chopping block.ABC News has also learned that Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley will likely replace Rice as national security adviser.
The announcement comes as a sort of birthday present for Rice, who turned 50 on Sunday.
I'm sure the leftists will talk about the "revolving door," or about "rats deserting a sinking ship," but this looks like more strategic planning by the Bush Administration.
Is this the definition of "Losermobile?"
Word out this morning that Colin Powell will be leaving his post as Secretary of State.
Several people have been named as a replacement, including Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice. FOX News contributor and former ambassador Mark Ginsberg said Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz may also want the job, but could face trouble getting confirmed because of the troubles in Iraq that he takes the blame for. Sen. Richard Lugar, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is also a darkhorse for the job.
Three other cabinet level resignation announcements are expected today: Rod Paige from Education, Anne Veneman from Agriculture and Spence Abraham from the Energy Department.
Powell is expected to stick around until a replacement is found.
From the November issue of Wired:
In what sounds like a real-life Clive Cussler novel or an episode of Stargate: Atlantis, American explorer and researcher Robert Sarmast claims to have located the ruins of the lost city of Atlantis off of the shores of the Mediterranean island of Cyprus.
Sarmast says sonar scanning indicates man-made walls on the seabed, one as long as two miles.
"It is a miracle we found these walls as their location, and lengths match exactly the description of the acropolis of Atlantis provided by Plato in his writings," Sarmast said, referring to the ancient Greek philosopher.Expect more details of this to emerge over the next few months, and I wouldn't be surprised if an expedition to the location of the ruins emerged on the National Geographic Channel or Discovery Channel didn't show up on the tube before too long."We have definitely found the Acropolis of Atlantis," he affirmed, adding the site was 80 kilometers (50 miles) southeast of Cyprus.
The chief government archaeologist of Cyprus, Pavlos Flourentzos, reacted with skepticism, telling The Associated Press: "More proof is necessary."
Sunday's London Mirror is claiming that video of an American Marine shooting an unarmed civilian in Fallujah, Iraq, has been shown on television in the UK.
A US marine has sparked world-wide revulsion after being seen shooting an injured and helpless Iraqi.I question the assertion by The Mirror, because, we haven't been made aware of the circumstances behind the incident. This, to me, sounds like someone grabbing a snippet of tape and jumping the gun in order to further their political agenda -- or to smear the United States and the Bush Administration.The sickening scene was broadcast by Channel 4 News after a fire-fight in the rebel stronghold of Fallujah.
The trigger-happy soldier had been asked to get nearer to the injured man.
But instead of trying to capture him, the marine is seen leaning over a wall and cold-bloodedly shooting him.
He then turns to his colleagues and says: "He's gone". Coalition chiefs were last night under pressure to investigate the incident.
I know that illegals try all sorts of ways of getting into the United States, but this case from Tecate takes the cake.
The child was found just before 3 p.m. Nov. 2, when two U.S. citizens attempted to drive a 1990 Acura sedan loaded with several piñatas through the border checkpoint. Suspicious customs inspectors decided to take a closer look at their cargo.Just damn, indeed."Officers began to take the piñatas out of the back seat, and one seemed to be much heavier than the others," said Vince Bond, a spokesman for U.S. Customs & Border Protection. "This one had a little girl of approximately 4 or 5 years of age inside it."
The girl's mother also was found, curled up inside the car's trunk, and the girl's brother, who is about 9 years old, was found underneath the collapsible back seat.
The large piñata carrying the little girl appeared to be a representation of a "Powerpuff Girls" cartoon character.
The girl was completely sealed inside, Bond said, but she was able to breathe and seemed to be in good physical condition. She, her mother and brother were voluntarily deported to Mexico after they were found.
You read the headline right -- Osama bin Laden has secured "religious authority" to use a nuclear weapon against American citizens in his windmill-tilting fight against the West, according to a 60 Minutes interview to be broadcast this Sunday evening.
Osama bin Laden now has religious approval to use a nuclear device against Americans, says the former head of the CIA unit charged with tracking down the Saudi terrorist. The former agent, Michael Scheuer, speaks to Steve Kroft in his first television interview without disguise to be broadcast on 60 MINUTES Sunday, Nov. 14 (7:00-8:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.Although Al Qaeda has recently claimed to have gotten ahold of a nuclear weapon, most argue that if AQ had such a weapon in their arsenal, that they would have used it long before now.Even if bin Laden had a nuclear weapon, he probably wouldn't have used it for a lack of proper religious authority - authority he has now. "[Bin Laden] secured from a Saudi sheik...a rather long treatise on the possibility of using nuclear weapons against the Americans," says Scheuer. "[The treatise] found that he was perfectly within his rights to use them. Muslims argue that the United States is responsible for millions of dead Muslims around the world, so reciprocity would mean you could kill millions of Americans," Scheuer tells Kroft.
Scheuer says bin Laden was criticized by some Muslims for the 9/11 attack because he killed so many people without enough warning and before offering to help convert them to Islam. But now bin Laden has addressed the American people and given fair warning. "They're intention is to end the war as soon as they can and to ratchet up the pain for the Americans until we get out of their region....If they acquire the weapon, they will use it, whether it's chemical, biological or some sort of nuclear weapon," says Scheuer.
I meant to post this the other day. It came from a local bulletin board in New York.
Straight male seeks Bush supporter for fair, physical fightSome people are just plain stupid.I would like to fight a Bush supporter to vent my anger. If you are one, have a fiery streek, please contact me so we can meet and physically fight. I would like to beat the shit out of you.
CBS interrupted the last five minutes of last night's episode of CSI:NY to announce that Arafish was finally (really most sincerely) dead. Of course, it was a good episode, mind you.
Well, CBS is going to repeat the entire episode tomorrow night at 10.
CBS will rebroadcast the Wednesday night episode of "CSI: NY" that was interrupted by a news report of Yasser Arafat's death.Overly aggressive my foot. I bet it was some idiot that worshipped the ground the ol' terrorist walked on.Viewers in some parts of the country missed the last few minutes of the popular crime drama because of the Arafat report. The program will be shown again Friday at 10 p.m. ET.
CBS issued the following statement: "An overly aggressive CBS News producer jumped the gun with a report that should have been offered to local stations for their late news. We sincerely regret the error."
God bless you, and thank you for your service.
The association between the poppy and war dates back to the Napoleonic wars when a writer saw a field of poppies growing over the graves of fallen soldiers.During the Battle of Ypres in 1915, Canadian Lt.-Col. John McCrae was inspired to write the poem In Flanders Fields on sighting the poppies growing beside a grave of a close friend who had died in battle.
The poem was a great inspiration in adopting the poppy as the Flower of Remembrance in Canada, France, the U.S, Britain and Commonwealth countries.
The first poppies were distributed in Canada in 1921. Today the volunteer donations from the distribution of millions of poppies is an important source of revenue for the Royal Canadian Legion that goes toward helping ex-servicemen and women buy food, and obtain shelter and medical attention.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
ABC's scheduled movie for tonight, Saving Private Ryan, the award-winning World War II epic, is being pre-empted on a number of ABC stations over fears regarding the salty language in the movie.
In a statement on the Web site of Atlanta's WSB-TV, the station's vice president and general manager, Greg Stone cited a March ruling in which the FCC said an expletive uttered by rock star Bono during NBC's live airing of the 2003 Golden Globe Awards was both indecent and profane.In addition to Cox's WSB-TV Atlanta, stations chickening out on showing the movie include Cox's WSOC-TV Charlotte, Citadel's WOI-TV Des Moines, KCAU-TV Sioux City and KLKN-TV Lincoln, NE; Tribune's WGNO-TV New Orleans, Hearst-Argyle's WMUR-TV Manchester, NH; Pappas' KHGI Lincoln, Sinclair Broadcasting's ABC stations (which just got over their own controversy with the airing of the John Kerry documentary last month) and Scripps-Howard's stations.The agency made it clear then that virtually any use of the F-word — which is used in "Saving Private Ryan" — was inappropriate for over-the-air radio and television.
The Bono case "reversed years of prior policy that the context of language matters," Stone said. He added that broadcaster could not get any clarification from the FCC on whether the movie violates the standard.
ABC, which broadcast the film uncut in 2001 and 2002, issued a statement saying it is proud to broadcast it again. The network's contract with director Steven Spielberg stipulates that the film cannot be edited.
"As in the past, this broadcast will contain appropriate and clear advisories and parental guidelines," the statement said.
If you are as dismayed by this, and your local station is pre-empting the movie, I'd suggest you contact them and let them know that you don't appreciate them playing "thought police" for you.
Scratch one more terrorist.
75 year-old Yasser Arafat, terrorist and would-be Palistinian leader, died (finally) tonight in Paris.
Arafat had been in a coma since 3 November and later suffered a brain haemorrhage.Arafat will be buried in Rumallah on Friday, after ceremonies in Cairo.A hospital spokesman said that he died at 0330 (0230GMT) on Thursday.
The Palestinian leader was transferred to the military hospital in Clamart on 29 October, suffering from a blood disorder.
Tests showed he had a low count of blood platelets, which are needed for clotting, but doctors were unsure what caused the condition and made no official announcement about the cause of Arafat's illness.
Doctors were said to have ruled out cancer and poisoning.
My biggest complaint is that CBS broke in with five minutes left in tonight's episode of CSI:NY to talk about Arafish. And if you think I'm staying up three more hours to catch the west coast feed and find out whodunnit, you're nuts!
An announcement from the White House is expected later today, but sources indicate that White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales will be chosen to replace outgoing Attorney General John Ashcroft. Gonzales, if confirmed by the US Senate, will become the first Hispanic Attorney General in US history.
Two administration officials said Gonzales, a longtime Bush friend who served with him in Texas, was the likely successor to Ashcroft and that the president could act as early as Wednesday. He would be the first Hispanic attorney general.Ashcroft, along with Commerce Secretary Don Evans, tendered resignation letters to the Administration yesterday.
Jones Soda Company, the Seattle-based soft drink company, who last year created buzz with their Turkey & Gravy flavored soda a year ago, is bringing it back this holiday season with the rest of your holiday dinner table as additional flavors. Green Bean Casserole Soda, Mashed Potato & Butter Soda, Fruitcake Soda and Cranberry Soda join Turkey & Gravy Soda in the Jones Soda Holiday Pack.
Proceeds from the limited-time pack will go to Toys For Tots.
The Family Pack goes on sale this week from Jones' website, Jones Soda distributors nationally, and selected Target stores for $15.95.
Why do I have this image of Dan Ackroyd doing SNL's classic "Super Bass-O-Matic '76" skit in my head? "Mmmmm...that's good bass!"
From MSNBC: US Attorney General John Ashcroft & US Commerce Secretary Don Evans have both submitted resignations to President George W. Bush. The Bush Administration has accepted both resignations.
The names most widely floated to replace Ashcroft as AG are former US Senator John Danforth and former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. Though no names have been formally introduced as of yet.
More details to come. Stay tuned.
In the wake of last week's Bush victory, Town Hall columnist (and Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education president) Star Parker has a list steps that the GOP can take to continue to grow the black Republican vote in America.
Continue to focus on the black church. Black Christians still vote overwhelmingly Democratic. Republicans are making gains, as evidenced by this election. But we're not making the gains we should. What does it say when Bill Clinton of Monica Lewinsky fame continues to get the warm welcome he does in black churches? There's a problem here. Black religious leaders need to be engaged to think about what is going on.One other point that Parker makes that I wholeheartedly agree with is that the GOP must maintain an open line of communication with blacks.Understand that the messenger is as important as the message. One reason Bill Clinton gets the affection he does from blacks, despite the truth that he represents everything destructive to our community, is that blacks sense that he cares. Nothing gets done without trust, and the truth is that there are few Republican leaders who can walk into a black church, even with the best news in the world, and be received with trust. Black religious leaders need to be courted by Republicans they can trust and feel comfortable with.
If the community only sees the face of the GOP at election time, then a huge measure of distrust will remain, as the one question that comes to mind is, "What do they want now?"
And, as I've said repeatedly, open communication allows the GOP to deliver it's own message and to clarify that message themselves -- and it prevents the Jackson-Sharpton cabal from spewing their ongoing lies and half-truths and presenting them as the be-all, end-all truth.
Contrary to what many believe, I don't think that an ongoing dialogue with black America can be crafted overnight. But if an honest attempt at making inroads can be made, then a true two-party system can be forged within black America with time.
Despite speculation that NFL's Sunday Ticket satellite package might be expanded to Dish Network and digital cable, DirecTV signed a huge agreement with the League that grants them exclusive rights to NFL ST through at least the 2010 season.
In addition, DIRECTV also has extended its carriage agreement with NFL Network, the year-round television programming service fully dedicated to the NFL. NFL Network, which celebrated its one-year anniversary earlier this month, airs on channel 212 as part of DIRECTV's Total Choice basic package.
"Our DIRECTV partnership complements and supports our broadcast television packages," said NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue. "DIRECTV has been a great partner and this new agreement expands our joint commitment to the ongoing development of innovative ways for fans to enjoy the NFL." The new agreement also has DirecTV developing and distributing enhanced NFL programming, including an "exclusive, expanded" edition of the Super Bowl. DirecTV will also provide a "premium" Sunday Ticket package over and above the "standard" package.
In addition to the standard NFL SUNDAY TICKET package, DIRECTV will offer a premium NFL SUNDAY TICKET package that will deliver enhanced interactive features and services, and expanded programming. For example, NFL SUNDAY TICKET customers who subscribe to the premium package will have access to new interactive services; and viewer-selected camera angles and replays. Subscribers to the premium NFL SUNDAY TICKET package will also have access to a new "Red Zone" channel, which will be devoted to switching from game to game to take viewers live to game telecasts when a team is in the red zone and is poised to score. The premium package will provide viewers with the ability to index, search for, and view plays of a specific NFL player, team or play-type from games played that Sunday.This is huge -- especially for football fans like myself. Many people were anticipating the expansion of NFL ST to Dish Network and digital cable systems. This agreement keeps it only on DirecTV, and is a big coup for the NewsCorp-owned platform.
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Reporters are embedded with US military forces as they begin their assault on Fallujah, Iraq. CNN's Jane Arraf says that forces cut power to the city prior to the assault.
Military officials told Arraf that the Army had achieved one of its initial goals -- clearing a path through insurgent defenses in the northern part of the city. Insurgents had set up strings of homemade bombs capable of causing heavy damage.CNN's Karl Penhaul said tracer fire was lighting the night sky, and that barrages were nearly constant.U.S. forces destroyed the booby traps, triggering explosions and fire.
CNN's Karl Penhaul, embedded with Marines on the outskirts of the city, reported hearing an almost constant barrage of explosions and machine gun fire and said that tracer fire was lighting the night sky. Insurgents could be heard chanting in Arabic: "God is great."FNC's Greg Palkot, embedded with the US Marines, said that targets were "being pounded" on Monday.Before the announcement, Falluja was pummeled for hours by airstrikes aimed at destroying suspected safe houses and other insurgent strongholds.
FOX News' Greg Palkot, embedded with the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, said Monday that the unit was overlooking the northwest corner of Fallujah, where a series of tanks had been pounding positions inside the city for two hours. Ground commanders targeted three areas they believe guerrillas are operating and it looked as if preparations were being made for full-scale ground assault in the near future, Palkot reported.Thousands of American troops are involved in the operation, designed to bring peace to Fallujah, and to remove the vast majority of insurgents and terrorists who are constantly making Iraq a dangerous place to be.
Curt Helm penned this missive in the wake of the GOP victory in last week's elections; it's set to run in several smaller outlets in the Kansas City area this week, and may run in the Kansas City Star this coming weekend.
Curt's a conservative black man who takes an unjaundiced look at the socio-political backlash that has been building in the past week.
So here we are on another post election week in America, and from my point of view the good guys won and the bad guys lost, but that's over simplifying it a bit (OK it's oversimplifying it a lot). There are obviously some good hearted people that voted for Mr. Kerry (probably due to a lack of partaking in the lumbering work it takes to educate ones self on such a choice). The liberal media is reeling, and they have begun to lash out at the "extremist Christians" for our part in the matter of their defeat. This is, as we know, spin and hype, of course.Contrary to the one-note bitchfest that the left has been engaging in since last Tuesday, we on the right aren't fixated on sending the nation back into the stone age. We aren't dead set on "turning back the clock," and those of us who are black (or of other minority groups for that matter) are not oblivious to the world as it exists around us.Their disillusionment is borne of their own pre-emptive gloat and over confidence pre election and early election day. Kerry had weathered the attack from the vets for truth, and went on to supposedly horse whip a lost looking Dubya in the debates, and then it started happening for them (or did it) on Nov. 2 the exit polls were good for Kerry, very good in fact, and this was a little slice of heaven to Danny Rather and company as he did his best to conceal a smug grin. Then something strange happened. The majority and mainstream of America spoke up for itself. (Something the Dem/libs didn't count on because for the last twenty years we've laid down and took what they dished us in silence). For the first time in years we spoke, and we spoke loudly.
We spoke to the media elite, and Hollywood, and even to my own poor leadership in the black community. Rather was inconsolable as he did his best to give a logical explanation as to why CBS was the last one left to call Ohio for Mr. Bush. Every major network had conceded the obvious, but not Rather and company. No surprise here, from the network news machine that always waits until all of the facts are in before reporting them (ha).
Then the morning after came, and America got the chance to behold Katie Couric dressed in full black as she addressed her viewers as if she were broadcasting live from a mortuary where her dear dad lay at rest. America had spoken to Katie and her ilk, and the message was clear, the message was that we don't care what Ben Affleck, P. Diddy, Babs, John Stewart, Dan Rather, Tommy Brokaw, Mike Moore, and even what the two John's (Kerry and Edwards) think our values should be, we've been friends with our values for quite a while and know our own values reasonably well, we appreciate the input but we feel that the ultra liberal progressivism, hypersexualism, and secularism just isn't our cup of tea, but hey, thanks for sharing. They were shocked, the exit polls had listed "morals" (yuk) as the driving force behind the result of the elections result.
Then the marginilazation of the Bush win began. The pollsters were running for the hills and the liberal media was a trainwreck on Wednesday, they began by launching the first salvo at values/morals based voters by insulting them (They still havent learned) by saying things like "Bush won by using the votes of over zealous knuckle dragging southern homophobic evangelicals". Several "Blue State" editorialists quipped that It was all part of Karl Roves plan to use "homophobia as a means to get out the conservative vote, by driving people to the polls with Defense of Marriage Amendments in eleven states".
Then they even turned on their own and began to eat their young, because the spin then turned on their golden boy, John Kerry. The left leaning media began to hint on Thursday that the only reason they lost was because their candidate was a bad candidate, and even poorly a organized one, and that is what had cost them this election. It couldn't be that (GASP) their Party and their ideals have shifted so far left that their MESSAGE is bad, not their messenger. No, no, no, that has never occurred to them. Must be the messenger. They believe that all of the training they have all recieved in their mega-city, liberal, Ivory tower schools of progressive thought has been spot on. That we common folk just haven't been as privelidged to gain enlightenment to the fact that liberal ideas are the smartest ideas.
Keep in mind that this is the same media that days earlier were still acting as if Kerry was the master on the campaign trail and on the stump. Even Kerry's own arrogant, narcissistic and selfishly morbid adoption of the acronym "JFK" per mere coincidence of his own initials being that in the same of their last presidential hero was brilliant in their eyes. To the lefty talking heads, he was to be the savior of America's unwashed masses and a warrior for the greater good of liberal politics in fly over midwest/south country with his effeminate, metro-sexual, Ivy trained, nor'easter politico. The lagging economy and the contentious attitudes about the war in Iraq had opened a door to the average middle American's mind (or so they thought), Boy, were they out of touch (duh).
So what was the message that America sent to the DNC and liberals in general.? Well, here's a list straight from Naithan's head that came immediately to mind.
If you plan on ever winning the minds of America again like you did during the "New Deal" era of Democrat Party dominance here's what you Dems and liberals alike need to be doing.
1. Distance your party from the ultra liberal Hollywood ninnies, feminists, and wacko's and their ideas. I know that we are in the Midwest/south and we are not privy to the brilliance that can only be gleaned in the art houses and coffee shops of New York and Los Angeles, but these loud mouth demagogues are out spoken, over exposed, and are actually energizing your oppositions voters against you. They are not changing peoples mind, they are pissing people off with their attack dog smears against the President and their constant arrogant smug remarks that war against OUR majority values and faiths. Letting these fringe based lunatics have front and center as your allies or strange bed fellows was an incredible tactical bogey. I'm all smiles today.
2. In regards to point number one, make sure that Michael Moore is the first to go. He should walk the plank immediately. I would excommunicate him in a very public manner, as to make a clean break.
3. Start promoting a culture in your elite journalism schools (which is most if not all of them) that the neat political correct notion of psuedo - "tolerance" doesn't end at the door of Christian and Conservative ideas. At that point you may start actually producing balanced and fair minded news anchors, editorialists, political analysts, etc. etc. etc. (Hence not once again pee'ing off 51% of Americans).
4. Start rethinking the dynamics of your partnership with the militant wing of the Gay and Lesbian "rights" movement. Currently your Party and liberal ideologues are bowing down to their every whim and it is starting to cause a rift with the average American. Most Americans have values that exclude the notion of homosexual marriage, and deem it as nonsense, not because they hate gays (on the contrary) but because they love their own families. This doesn't make any of them "homophobic" it makes them principled in their own values and traditions, mainly due to their (oh mi gosh get ready for this word) "FAITH". In your attempt to beat the rush, and seem ahead of the curve of enlightenment, you tried to pander to these radical groups every want and desire without any border or restraint. In doing so you became short sighted of the good of the country AS A WHOLE. You thought this would go over well if you just skipped the elected officials of the people and went straight through your pals on the bench. Tuesday was your reminder of who we are.
5. Abortion on demand, early term or late. This speaks to another far left element of your party that has become a mainstream component as of late, the ultra feminist radicals, like N.O.W. and N.A.R.A.L. and Planned Parenthood. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know they pay the bills and all, but someone in your party needs to take a step back and take a deep breath. There is a conservative back lash going on in this country and it's against the sixty and seventy year old liberals in your party that were twenty something years old when they attended Woodstock in the sixties. The sexual revolution that was a part of their generations so called "revolution of the mind" has been force fed us to a point of exhaustion. The merits and horrors of abortion notwithstanding. With the internet around and with science improving, it just isn't possible to fool the electorate into thinking this is just a "surgical procedure" anymore. It's brutal, and with all of these media options and information outlets available to us, we just know better than we did, even ten years ago. A word of advice, give up the sham, and drop it. We are on to you now and so are our BORN children, which may I remind you will be your future electorate population in five to ten years.
6. Actually start finding, nurturing and promoting "Pro-Life" and "Faith based" candidates again in your party. This probably won't happen in a million years, but then again I couldn't care a less if you lose elections and the ear of mainstream thought for a million years either.
7. When you say tolerance - mean it.
(This was an independant editorial written by Curt Helm)
We have our vision directed at the future; we have our collective vision set on how to maintain and advance the standing of our nation on a socio-economic scale. We have our desire to make sure that the terrorists around the world -- including in Iraq -- are not going to destroy what is left of this world. And being politically correct is certainly not the way to go.
David Shuster, commentator for MSNBC's Hardball and blogger for Hardball online opines this morning that conservatives, or as Shuster implies, neo-conservatives, long for a return to the Levitical laws of the Old Testament -- including a return to slavery.
This is typical of the mindset of liberals -- when they don't get their way, use the Bible to drub conservatives over the head.
While the Bible does suggest homosexuality is an abomination (Leviticus 18:22), The Bible also says in Leviticus 25:44 that we may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations; Exodus 35:2 says that my neighbor who works on the Sabbath should be put to death; Lev. 19:27 expressly forbids men from getting their hair trimmed; Lev. 11:6-9 states that touching a dead pig makes us unclean (Are you ready for some football?) and Lev. 19:19 forbids us from planting two different crops in the same field or wearing garments made of two different kinds of threat. The penalty? Lev. 24:10-16 suggests we stone people to death.Shuster completely neglects the fact that the Levitical laws of the Old Testament -- man's laws as defined by the time -- were superceded by the grace of Jesus Christ as noted in the New Testament.Maybe some Americans want to return to the days of slavery, devout observance to the Sabbath, long hair, all cotton clothes, and stoning people...
Only use what works for showing conservatives as knuckle-dragging neanderthals, and blow off the rest.
Then what? I bet Shuster would love to see conservatives in a leper colony -- after all, liberals online have already come up with multiple ways to redraw the borders of the nations on the North American continent so as they can easily secede from the remainder of both the United States and Canada.
I wouldn't mind seeing Clarance Thomas in the CJ slot, but my money is on Scalia.
As you can imagine, the "soul patrol" would be none too happy with that development.
A top White House source familiar with Bush's thinking explains the review of Thomas as chief justice is one of several options currently under serious consideration. But Thomas is Bush's personal favorite to take the position, the source claims.Any choice for CJ would have to be confirmed by the Senate -- even if the President's choice is already sitting on the Supreme Court."It would not only be historic, to nominate a minority as chief justice, symbolizing the president's strong belief in hope and optimism, but it would be a sound judicial move.... Justice Thomas simply has an extraordinary record."
One concern is the amount of political capital Bush would have to spend in congress to make the move.
Right-leaning Dutch politician Ayaan Hirsi-Ali is in hiding once again, after a threatening five-page letter was found with a knife stuck in the body of dead filmmaker Theo Van Gogh (great-grand nephew of Vincent Van Gogh) in Amsterdam last week.
"This is an open letter to the unbeliever fundamentalist Hirshi [sic] Ali, of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy. Dear Ms. Hirshi [sic] Ali, Since your arrival in the political arena in the Netherlands you have been constantly busy terrorising Muslims and Islam with your statements. You are not the first and not the last who has joined the crusade against Islam."Hirsi-Ali, a former Muslim herself, has written a book critical of Islam. Her outspoken stance on Islam has caused a number of death threats against her over the past few years."Death, Ms. Hirshi [sic] Ali, is the common theme of all that exists. You and the rest of the cosmos cannot escape this truth."
"There will come a day when one soul cannot help another soul. A day that goes paired with terrible tortures,…when the unjust will press horrible screams from their lungs. Screams, Ms. Hirshi [sic] Ali, that will cause chills to run down a person's back, and make the hairs on their heads stand straight up. People will be drunk with fear, while they are not drunken. Fear will fill the air on the Great Day."
"Ms. Hirshi [sic] Ali and the rest of the extremist unbelievers: Islam has withstood many enemies and repressions throughout history. Ayaan Hirshi [sic] Ali, you will break yourself to pieces on Islam!"
The website of Germany's Der Spiegel has posted an image of a divided North American continent that originated on liberal sites in the US in the wake of the reelection of President Bush this week.
Welcome to "Jesusland" -- at least for most of us.
Just damn.
Hack columnist Greg Palast, who fancies himself as a kind of Michael Moore for the UK, insists in today's column that John Kerry won the majority of the vote in Ohio, and -- at least by his reckoning -- won the election.
Palast tries to use CNN's exit polling data to justify his outlandish position, completely ignoring the actual counts from the state Secretary of State's office. He incredibly attempts to use the race card to further bolster his insane position.
At 1:05 a.m. Wednesday morning, CNN's exit poll showed Kerry beating Bush among Ohio women by 53 percent to 47 percent. The exit polls were later combined with—and therefore contaminated by—the tabulated results, ultimately becoming a mirror of the apparent actual vote. Kerry also defeated Bush among Ohio's male voters 51 percent to 49 percent.Palast also insists that the close victory in New Mexico also belongs to Kerry. He blames provisional balloting in that case. What Palast doesn't tell you is that the bulk of the provisional vote -- something the DEMOCRATS insisted on -- went for Democratic candidates (including Kerry), and Kerry still lost the state.the exit polls are accurate. Pollsters ask, "Who did you vote for?" Unfortunately, they don't ask the crucial, question, "Was your vote counted?" The voters don't know.
The election in Ohio was not decided by the voters but by something called "spoilage." Typically in the United States, about 3 percent of the vote is voided, just thrown away, not recorded.
And not all votes spoil equally. Most of those votes, say every official report, come from African-American and minority precincts.
Palast is one who rabidly hates the GOP in general, and the Bush Administration in particular.
Palast practically wanted to desecrate Ronald Reagan's grave, and insisted that he was "in hell" for what he had done in office.
What Palast has little consequence to anyone on this side of the Atlantic, but in the UK, he does his best to stir up as much anti-American sentiment as he possibly can.
Matt Margolis' Blogs For Bush, having completed it's initial mission of supporting the reelection of President Bush, is now shifting gears. As of Inauguration Day in January, it will become
Good luck, Matt, and good job! Thanks!There has been no question I have received more often than "What is going to happen to Blogs For Bush after the election?" For a long time I avoided dealing with this question, for I wanted to remain focused on the goal of victory on Election Day. However, the time has come for you all to be in the know.
Blogs For Bush will live on. We have built something incredible that has yet to realize its full potential, and we have to continue because one victory does not guarantee that future battles will be won automatically. We have to continue to grow and remain stronger than those who have goals that starkly contrast our own.
Over the next four years, we have the important job of keeping President Bush's legacy from being attacked. Eventually, future
candidates will emerge, and we'll have to make sure the strongest ones represent us.On Inauguration Day 2005, Blogs For Bush will be re-launched as We're going to take everything we've learned the past year and take it to the next level. The power of blogs has yet to be fully realized, and we're going to write the book on it.
The photo name that offended many on Netscape's News page has been corrected, according to a report this afternoon.
A photograph of President and Mrs. Bush featured in online election coverage by the AOL Time Warner companies uses a graphic slur in the coding of the picture.A spokesman for CNN, Matt Furman, said the network had nothing to do with the slur.
"It was an image produced by an employee of another company," he told WND. "We didn't know anything about it and had nothing to do with it.
"Most importantly, it was never on … It's our picture, but it never appeared on our site."
The image did appear, however, on, which is labeled as "Netscape network news with CNN."
A further statement from CNN reads: "A Web image and text disparaging President and Mrs. Bush currently circulating on the Internet was not created, disseminated or posted by CNN at any time, as is alleged. It was done by an employee of Netscape and posted on CNN had no knowledge of it until it surfaced on other websites."
Andrew Weinstein, a spokesman for Netscape, reiterated the fact CNN itself had nothing to do with the slur. He says the Netscape employee responsible has been fired.
"A junior employee at Netscape identified two election photos with image tags that used inappropriate, disparaging terms," Weinstein told WorldNetDaily. "As soon as the situation was discovered, it was immediately corrected, and the employee has been terminated."
He said Netscape apologizes to CNN and "anyone else offended in this matter."
According to information from, a new tape from AQ terrorist mastermind Osama Bin Laden is in the hands of Al Jazeera. The tape has supposedly been embargoed until at least 3P ET today, according to, and may show up on Al Jazeera immediately after that.
In the past, Al-Jazeera Television has never sat on any message from Osama Bin Laden for more than 24 hours.The presumption is that the tape further threatens the United States for the reelection of President George W. Bush this week.Currently, the airing of this video tape is in the hands of Al-Jazeera. While it is very likely that they may air the tape immediately following the embargo, it is also likely that they'll sit on it for another day or two. We have again attempted to speak with Al-Jazeera regarding the video tape, but however they appear to be on a gag order and cannot release any additional information about the tape's existence.
Stay tuned...
The Netscape News page includes a photo of President George W. Bush and his wife at Bush's victory speech yesterday.
On said page, when right-clicking the photo, the name of the photo of the president is "asshole.jpg" as pictured below.
Certainly out of line, and indicative of an overall attitude among leftists that they are still angry with the Administration and do not want to work to repair the rift that exists in this nation.
The photo file name on the Netscape News page has been changed, but the original still exists at
Just damn.
County-by-county results map of yesterday's results:
A man at a zoo in Taipei, Taiwan tried to convert two lions to Christianity today, and got bitten in response.
“Jesus will save you!” shouted the 46-year-old man at two African lions lounging under a tree a few meters away.The lion's response?“Come bite me!” he said with both hands raised, television footage showed.
A large male lion sauntered over to the unidentified man and bit a chunk out of his leg. Zookeepers drove the giant feline off with waterhoses and tranquilizer guns.
Apparently the pair had dined earlier in the day. Otherwise, he might have become evangelical sushi.
According to CNN's stats, the black GOP vote increased to 11% of the total electorate, a 3% increase over the 2000 figures.
As I've said repeatedly, anything beyond a single percentage point increase is something that must be considered a total victory for black voter outreach by the Republican Party.
I'm very pleased.
ABC News, NewsMax, the UK's Scotsman newspaper and other sources are reporting that we can expect a Kerry concession around 1PM today.
BREAKING: Associated Press is reporting that Senator Kerry has called President Bush to conceed, and will make a concession speech after 1PM ET.
"Congratulations, Mr. President," Kerry said in the conversation described by sources as lasting less than five minutes.CNN says President Bush will speak to the nation at 3P ET.(A) Democratic source said Bush called Kerry a worthy, tough and honorable opponent. Kerry told Bush the country was too divided, the source said, and Bush agreed. "We really have to do something about it," Kerry said according to the Democratic official.
UPDATE 12:50P ET: New word in that the Kerry concession speech from Boston's Faneuil Hall will come around 2P ET.
Al Jazeera has aired new video of the beheading of three Iraqi guardsmen today.
It said it had a video of a militant group calling itself the "Brigades of Iraq's Honorable People" which showed the men being killed.The monsters continue their reign of terror. I anticipate links to the video later today.Three headless bodies were found in the capital Baghdad on Wednesday, Reuters quoted an Iraqi police source saying.
Separately, another group, the Ansar al-Sunnna, said it had beheaded a senior Iraqi army officer.
The group posted a video on its website apparently showing the officer being killed.
It said it had abducted Hussein Shunun in Mosul. It accused him of helping US forces in operations there.
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Depending on which figures you listen to, the final data is 269-242 Bush or 254-252 Bush. The popular vote gives Bush a 51-48% victory. In any event, the margin of victory for the Bush campaign comes down to where Ohio ends up.
Fox, Fox News Channel, NBC and MSNBC all called Ohio for Bush after midnight last night. CBS, CNN & ABC didn't and still have not.
Kerry's campaign has not conceeded Ohio, and is insisting that the number of provisional and absentee ballots would be able to overcome the 130,000+ margin that Bush enjoys in Ohio.
According to pundits on both sides, it is statistically impossible for the Kerry camp to overcome that margin, saying that every single absentee and provisional ballot would have to fall for Kerry in order for it to go the Senator's way.
John Edwards, speaking to the Kerry faithful in Boston early this morning, promised that the Democrats would "count every vote." I'm expecting the army of lawyers to be heading to the Buckeye State later today.
In other election news, Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) lost his reelection bid to Republican candidate and former Congressman John Thune. Cynthia McKinney (formerly D-GA), who lost her Congressional seat to Denise Majette (D-GA-4th) two years ago, has won reelection to her old seat. Majette, who chose not to run for that seat in order to go after the Senate seat being vacated by Zell Miller (D-GA) lost to Georgia Congressman Johnny Isakson (R-GA-6th), giving the Peach State two Republican Senators for the first time in history. Democrat Barack Obama sailed to victory over carpetbagging Republican Alan Keyes in the race for the open Illinois Senatorial seat.
The networks were very conservative in their calls, mostly afraid of being wrong once again this year. This was punctuated by the exit polling data, which early on was exposed as being unreliable nearly across the board. The Washington Post's Tom Shales excoriated the networks this morning for their tenative and almost fearful performance.
The audience may have felt like the refugees in the movie "Casablanca," who, an opening narration famously says, come to the desert city "and wait, and wait, and wait."President Bush is expected to speak to the nation later today, but it still isnt' known when.A few minutes past 10 o'clock, with three hours of coverage behind them, Bob Schieffer of CBS News, reporting to anchor Dan Rather, did a brave thing. He admitted progress was almost nil in telling or even indicating who might win the election. "The only thing that has been called here tonight are the slam-dunks," (Bob) Schieffer grumped.
Tom Brokaw, reporting his last election for NBC News, at least as principal anchor, was getting a little peeved himself at the absence of information. "You want reality television? This is reality television," he told viewers, promising them that "someone will be voted off the island," but that there was really no way of telling when.
"The states we can't call are stacked up like cordwood," said Chris Wallace over on cable's Fox News Channel. Rather, with his gift for imagery, compared the situation to "a kind of sauna" in which all anybody could do "is wait and sweat." Of course Rather remained the soul of indomitability, even as others threatened to wilt. Just before announcing a few new numbers he said, "Let's drop these biscuits in a little bit more gravy" and later, marveling at one set of numbers, shouted, "But looka here, whoo, boy!"
Attempting to inject some life into the proceedings, he also reported, "George Bush is sweeping through the South like a big wheel through a cotton field."
Somebody at CNN decided to drop anchor Paula Zahn inexplicably into the cast of "Crossfire." It was a misfire. Series regular James Carville looked so irritated that during some of the segments, he barely spoke.
Zahn, bright and chirpy as a yellow thrush, was absurdly out of place.
CNN's pompous Aaron Brown, meanwhile, had told anchor Wolf Blitzer, "I enjoy how much I have heard 'we don't know' [tonight]." Surely he was the only one. Or maybe the laws of journalism are changing so much that some day soon a network newscast might begin, "In the news tonight -- we don't know." It really wasn't "we don't know," though. It was more, "We're afraid to tell you."
The process continues...
I'm going to be all over the map tonight.
I'm in a chat room with several other bloggers (Patriot Paradox & King of Fools for now), plus on the Free Republic live thread.
7P ET: The networks have called KY, GA & IN for Bush, VT for Kerry. VA & SC too close to call. Current talley, Bush 34, Kerry 3.
7:30P ET: Ohio is too close to call - no surprise there. WV goes in the Bush column. The surprise is that NC is presently too close to call.
Current total, Bush 39, Kerry 3. Next milestone is 8P ET. More than a dozen states close at the top of the hour.
7:40P ET: Atlanta Journal-Constitution: "Amendment to ban gay marriages passes" - the state constitutional amendment in Georgia passes. Most pundits are saying that this points toward similar measures passing in a number of other states.
Also in Georgia, Republican Johnny Isakson is projected to win the US Senate seat being vacated by Democrat Zell Miller over Democratic candidate Denise Majette.
Yet another "Rather-ism": "Don't cross the alligator till you cross the creek..." I'm sure Kenneth will have plenty before the night is over.
ChristWeb has joined us in the live-chat room.
8P ET: 16 states closing - OK, AL, TN to Bush; IL, MA, CT, NJ, DE, MD, DC, ME to Kerry. MS, MO, FL, PA too close to call. Updated totals, Bush 66, Kerry 77.
Maine's votes will be split, as it looks now, with 3 votes to Kerry, the final one up in the air, but most likely to Bush.
CNN is projecting Barack Obama to win the US Senate race in IL over Alan Keyes.
8:15P: More states are being called, CBS now has a total of 108-77 Bush; CBC Newsworld says 95-78 Bush. The new states (at least as CBS has 'em): NC, SC, MS & VA all for Bush.
WXIA-TV Atlanta is reporting that Cynthia McKinney is LOSING 53-47% with 11% of precincts reporting. I don't know if that'll hold, but if it does, then I'll be more than happy.
9:15P: Kerry takes NY & RI, Bush takes TX, ND, SD, WY, KS, NE. Current tally: Bush 156, Kerry 112.
9:45P170-112, Bush
10P: UT & NE going for Bush. CBC/Newsworld projection, Bush leading 182-112.
11P ET: CA goes to Kerry, ID to Bush, for a 197-188 margin for Bush. Everything else is "too close to call."
Cynthia McKinney wins her old seat back by a margin of 64-36%.
11:45P ET: Florida is called for Bush. Totals: 246-199 Bush leads.
James "Gollum" Carville on CNN: "I think it's time to acknowledge that the President has a superior hand..." He goes on to say that Kerry needs to pull an "inside straight in order to pull this thing out..."
12:45A: Fox News Channel projects Ohio for Bush. Totals: 266-211 Bush.
If Bush gets only Alaska from here out, that guarantees a tie. Any of the other outstanding states gets Bush the win.
12:57A: Drudge: "BUSH WINS"
1A ET: Bush wins Alaska for the tie; current total: 269-211 Bush.
As we noted Saturday, Japanese hostage Shosei Koda was beheaded by the Al Qaeda-associated terrorist group led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
The monsters have now released stills and video of the beheading.
Al Qaeda Organization of Holy War in Iraq said Tokyo had offered a ransom of "millions of dollars" for 24-year-old Koda. It warned Japan to withdraw its forces from Iraq or "drown in the hell of the mujahideen" along with "crusader forces."The Jawa Report has stills of the decapitation murder, Straight Banana has the video. (WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES AT BOTH LINKS!)Japanese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hatsuhisa Takashima denied the ransom claim. "It's just groundless. We have not done that," he said, denouncing the video posting as "disgusting." ...
The video showed the hostage, who was wearing a white T-shirt, kneeling with a U.S. flag laid out behind him. Koda's hands were tied behind his back and three masked men dressed all in black stood beneath the group's banner.
After reading a statement, the men grabbed Koda and put him on the flag before sawing off his head with a large knife and holding it aloft and placing it on top of the corpse.
Some great quotes flying around today, and there promises to be more before it's all over.
Quint at talks about Disney/Pixar's The Incredibles, and has a great characterization of the lead, Craig T. Nelson.
When he gets super-pissed in the film, he changes his voice... does something that makes him sound as cold-blooded as Ann Coulter naked in a freezer.I know there are some Ann Coulter fans out there, but I can picture this description.
The Incredibles opens in theaters Friday.
Residents of the hamlets of Dixville Notch and Hart's Location, NH voted at midnight. Their results are traditionally the first in the nation, and if their results are indicative of what daylight will bring, it's gonna be a long day on Tuesday.
The results are, in Hart's Location, Bush - 15, Kerry - 15, Nader - 1. And in Dixville Notch, Bush - 19, Kerry - 7.
All the polls are done, all the campaigning is about over, all the mudslinging is finished, the yelling is all but completed.
Tomorrow, we begin a process that denizens of other nations either do not understand, despise, or envy. We get to particpate directly in the election of those who will lead us as a nation and as a community. Those who admire our process look at it with a measure of hope. Those who hate the process and what it represents would insist that it is the death of us all.
This year's election promises to be among the closest in history. And if the outcome tomorrow is as close as the polls suggest, we may not have an answer to who has won right away.
There are literally thousands of lawyers prepared to file suit as soon as Wednesday morning to challenge whatever the outcome is.
And of course, I'll be here with my two cents as the process continues, whatever the outcome.
I've made no secret of who I'll be supporting tomorrow and why.
It doesn't matter who you support tomorrow; no matter who you do not support. What does matter is that you exercise your right; your responsibility to go out and vote.
It all comes down to you, standing by yourself, in the booth with your decisions. Consider and decide well. And then make your voice -- and your vote -- heard.
Georgia Democratic Senatorial candidate Denise Majette has pulled out one last card in her attempt to win tomorrow -- the race card.
Majette has put out a flyer in black communities across Georgia that allege that a company previously owned by the Republican candiate, Johnny Isakson, had been guilty of discrimination in the 1960s and 1970s.
As both candidates crisscrossed the state, the Majette campaign distributed information that accused Isakson’s company, Northside Realty, of discriminating against Black homebuyers in the early 1970s.Majette is the outgoing US Congressional Representative in Georgia's 4th district. Isakson has been a Representative in Georgia's 6th district, and presently enjoys a significant lead in the polls.The company, which was founded by Isakson’s father and also run by him at the time of the charges, was found in violation of the Fair Housing Act by the federal government in 1970.
“The public needs to know what his record is and I’m not doing anything other than informing the public about the full story,” Majette said.
Isakson, who enjoys a double-digit lead in polls, responded angrily in Savannah.
“It's a pretty low person that would attack someone's father when he's been passed away for 11 years, and in the '70s my father was involved in a case that worked out just fine,” Isakson said. “My father was a wonderful man, I miss him to this day. I’m sorry she'd choose to take something like that and try and make it into something in a political race.”
Dan "What's the frequency, Kenneth" Rather insists -- contrary to some of his distinguished competition -- that the media will not have a major effect on the outcome of tomorrow's election.
So we're down now to the last few hours of a presidential election campaign that seems to have gone on forever, almost since the last on ended. Ended so bitterly with bad calls by the television networks -- including CBS -- disputed vote-counting, a drawn-out court battle, and, finally, a controversial supreme court ruling that decided the election. To this day, three out of four Democrats [including me] believe the election was not legitimate. The hard feelings were put aside, at least temporarily, as Americans united in the wake of 9/11. But then came the war in Iraq and America was divided again. Nearly three out of four voters describe this election as very important, and many are showing it by actively supporting a candidate or joining the hundreds of thousands registering for the first time and then, yes, voting.I'm sure you'll understand if I view parts of Kenneth's statement with a grain of salt. After all, he's already inserted himself into the middle of this mess to begin with.The turnout in states that allow early voting has been heavy and encouraging. We hope you will vote, too.
It is not only your right, but your responsibility. It will be our responsibility to report the results accurately as we can, to estimate whom we believe has won only when we are fully confident we have the information to do it. Our attitude is we'd rather be last than wrong. And remember, neither CBS News nor any other news organization will not decide who won or lost. You will with your vote.
His coverage on CBS (as well as network coverage from NBC, ABC, Fox, Fox News Channel, CNN, MSNBC, CBC/NewsWorld, CNBC, CNN International, BBC World, C-Span and half the rest of the civilized world) gets underway tomorrow evening at 7P ET.
I've had a busy weekend (as would be expected this close to the election).
A reporter from New York Newsday called Friday, looking for some commentary regarding the IRS questions regarding the NAACP's "non-partisan" stance.
I let her have it with both barrels.
As a black Southern conservative, Michael King says he has felt "antagonized" by the NAACP. So when he learned Friday that the IRS was investigating whether the nonprofit civil rights organization violated restrictions on political activity, he said his first thought was: It's been a long time coming.Of course, Jesse Jackson was on Tom Joyner's syncidated radio show this morning, vilifying the IRS and anyone who supported their actions. After all, he could tell his"If you don't march in step with their views, they have no use for you," said King, 41, about the NAACP. "On the contrary, they will do everything that they can to tear you down."
Like many nonprofit groups, the NAACP trades its right to endorse a political candidate or participate in campaigns for tax exemption. But at its annual convention this summer in Philadelphia, the group's chairman criticized a wide range of President George W. Bush's policies, from education to the war in Iraq, a move that some said led to the IRS threatening to invalidate the group's tax-exempt status.
"This is still America and freedom of speech is what America is all about," said Hazel Dukes, president of the New York State Conference of NAACP Branches. ". . . The attitude of this administration has always been that if you are not with me, you are against me and I'll be against you and any act of intimidation will occur."
NAACP Chairman Julian Bond said the investigation is an attempt by the Bush administration to distract the group from mobilizing black voters in the days before the election.
Frederick Brewington, a civil rights attorney and former vice president of the Lakeview chapter of the NAACP, echoed Bond's allegations. "This is a blatant attempt by Bush and the IRS to chill the First Amendment rights of African-Americans across the country," he said.
In a statement Thursday, IRS Commissioner Mark W. Everson denied any partisan motive and said, "Any suggestion that the IRS has tilted its audit activities for political purposes is repugnant and groundless."
Presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry sent a letter Friday to Assistant Attorney General Alexander Acosta, calling on him to investigate how the IRS initiated the examination.
"If the timing of this process leads some to believe politics is at play, it could have a chilling impact on African-Americans' participation in the American political process," Kerry wrote.
The NAACP has never been shy about its troubled relationship with the Bush administration. Bush declined to speak at the very convention that has brought the group's political participation into question.
King, who lives in Atlanta and is a member of the black conservative group Project 21, said the NAACP has universally supported Democratic candidates, excluding right-leaning blacks, like himself, from seeking membership. He applauded an investigation into what he called the NAACP's illegal behavior.
But Ralph G. Neas, president of the liberal group People for the American Way, said the NAACP has always taken pride in its nonpartisan status and ability to criticize public officials from all political parties.
Ed Williams, president of the Far Rockaway NAACP in Queens, agreed. "The Republicans are reaching at straws," Williams said.
Staff writers Monte R. Young and Merle English contributed to this story.
Then again, I'm not challenging that -- but if he violates rules that prohibit 501c3-based tax exempt organizations from endorsing a candidate, then he needs to be subject to the same rules that everyone else is. Period.
"If he was any kind of patriot he would have told us his plan now."