I know that illegals try all sorts of ways of getting into the United States, but this case from Tecate takes the cake.
The child was found just before 3 p.m. Nov. 2, when two U.S. citizens attempted to drive a 1990 Acura sedan loaded with several piñatas through the border checkpoint. Suspicious customs inspectors decided to take a closer look at their cargo.Just damn, indeed. Posted by mhking at November 13, 2004 11:29 AM"Officers began to take the piñatas out of the back seat, and one seemed to be much heavier than the others," said Vince Bond, a spokesman for U.S. Customs & Border Protection. "This one had a little girl of approximately 4 or 5 years of age inside it."
The girl's mother also was found, curled up inside the car's trunk, and the girl's brother, who is about 9 years old, was found underneath the collapsible back seat.
The large piñata carrying the little girl appeared to be a representation of a "Powerpuff Girls" cartoon character.
The girl was completely sealed inside, Bond said, but she was able to breathe and seemed to be in good physical condition. She, her mother and brother were voluntarily deported to Mexico after they were found.
Yet, again, no criminal charges will be brought against those that aided & abetted this family.
Will we ever get serious? Or will it take a tragedy that includes passage from Mexico as a component for W to wake up and enforce the law?
Posted by: Tony Iovino at November 13, 2004 04:05 PMOnce again our laws are broken and now we are not even holding the Americans culpable. Why are the authorities allowed to get away with this? Why aren't they held responsible? Those in charge should have their names published so the American public knows who they are.
Posted by: BobG at November 14, 2004 05:38 PM