March 24, 2005

SCOTUS refuses to review Schiavo case

BREAKING 1030A - Flash from all the networks/wires: The US Supreme Court is declining to hear the Terri Schiavo case. The feeding tube will not be re-inserted.

This exhausts the legal avenues for Bob and Mary Schindler in terms of this case.

There are many who would suggest, however, that a significant wrongful death civil case is most likely in the works.

UPDATE - 2:05P Governor Jeb Bush's motion to take have the Florida Department of Children and Families custody of Terri Schiavo has been denied.

That decision coming down from Judge George Greer in Florida.

UPDATE - 2:40P The Schindlers are now going back to Federal District Court asking for all the issues to be heard as opposed to simply injunctive relief. Apparently Judge Whitimore is set to rule by 6P ET.

Posted by mhking at March 24, 2005 10:32 AM
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