Jib Jab, the outfit that gave you "This Land," the satirical flash animation of George Bush and John Kerry going at each other to the tune of "This Land is Your Land," are at it again.
From the creators of the political satire sensation "This Land" comes a sequel set to the tune of "Dixie."The new piece is set to premiere on The Tonight Show Thursday night, and will be available online at JibJab.com shortly after. Posted by mhking at October 7, 2004 09:06 AMThe online animation "Good To Be in DC!" features the presidential and vice presidential candidates along with Attorney General John Ashcroft, CBS News anchor Dan Rather, filmmaker Michael Moore, talk show host Rush Limbaugh and Jane Fonda.
"In `This Land,' you had basically (President) Bush and (John) Kerry," said Evan Spiridellis, who co-produced the cartoons with his brother, Gregg. "This piece is more about the whole town, the whole system."