April 07, 2005

The Brotherhood expands

The Conservative Brotherhood, of which I'm proudly a charter member, has expanded it's ranks by three.

Tavares Forby holds down the fort at BlackPundit.org. He's young, Republican and an electrical engineer. He comes from the streets, but knows where his head is at. Laser-beam penetrating logic, a quick tongue, and enthusiasm caught all out attention when he stepped up. We're proud to have him.

Ol' Sarge at The Hunter's Herald is Demond Hunter, back home from serving our nation in the mean streets of Iraq. He's a NASCAR dad, and I'll even forgive him for rooting for the Tarheels over the Illini.

Joseph C. Phillips is a man on a conservative mission across this entire nation. You'd recognize his face from his acting work - running the gamut from General Hospital to The District to The Cosby Show. He was one of the speakers at last summer's Republican National Convention, and he is a family man in the classic sense. I've only spoken with him a few times, but he sounds like a better cook than I am (not that cooking better'n me is a difficult feat).

We're proud and happy to add them to the ranks of the Brotherhood. You can find all our links over on the left menu rail, and you can find strong opinions and fantastic conversation from each one of us.

Posted by mhking at April 7, 2005 11:06 PM


In my opinion, you are the best of the best with this site. I am still new to the blog stuff and don't know the "lingo" and technical stuff. I do read them alot and wanted you to know that I make a point to read your site daily. Keep up the great work and I will make a point to check out the new "expansions" to the brotherhood.


Posted by: W.NM. at April 8, 2005 06:17 PM
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