March 29, 2005

MJ's days look to be numbered.

On the heels of a Sunday morning radio interview with Jesse Jackson, entertainer and accused child molester Michael Jackson's trial defense was dealt a serious blow yesterday, when the judge ruled that the jury may hear of prior accusations from five other boys including actor Macaulay Culkin and two youngsters who reached multimillion-dollar settlements with the singer.

District Attorney Tom Sneddon said Jackson's inappropriate activities with these boys included kissing, hugging and inserting his hands into their pants. He also said there was a pattern of "grooming," or preparing the boys for molestation, but did not elaborate.

Jackson, 46, is on trial on charges he molested one boy - then 13 - at his Neverland ranch in 2003. In most criminal cases, evidence of past behavior is not admissible against a defendant. However, the California Legislature changed that in 1995, specifically in cases of child molestation and domestic violence.

Sneddon said the testimony about the five cases will show Jackson has a consistent pattern of abuse.

Only one of the five has agreed to testify in the current trial, while some testimony will come from parents of the boys involved.

Meanwhile, comedian and actor George Lopez took the stand yesterday, as the parade of celebrities tied to the trial continued.

Sunday, Jackson was interviewed by Rev. Jesse Jackson on his Clear Channel radio program, claiming innocence.

"I gain strength from the fact that I know I am innocent. None of these stories are true," Jackson told the Rev. Jesse Jackson during an hour-long interview broadcast live over the Internet on Sunday morning.

"I just want to say to fans in every corner of the Earth, every nationality, every race, every language, I love you from the bottom of my heart," Jackson said toward the end of the interview. "I would love your prayers and your goodwill, and please be patient and be with me and believe in me because I am completely, completely innocent. But please know a lot of conspiracy is going on as we speak."

Many experts, pointing to yesterday's ruling, indicate that Jackson is in a nearly insurmountable hole when it comes to the possibility of acquital in the child molestation trial.

University of Georgia law professor Ron Carlson, speaking this morning on Atlanta's WSB Radio, suggested that Jackson's legal team may begin to seek a plea deal to reduce the amount of time that Jackson would spend in prison.

Posted by mhking at March 29, 2005 08:40 AM

MJ's days numbered? Is it possible for a rich celebrity to be convicted in California? Somehow I don't think so.

Posted by: Odd Brian at March 29, 2005 02:44 PM

Naaahhhh.....he'll get off on a technicality.....Hope not, but probably will...

Posted by: CrzyDJM at March 29, 2005 05:14 PM

where is jesse when MJ needs him? Why is he messing with the Schiavo case? We need marches and slogans, it is MJ's only chance to get off unless he has an interview with Barbara Walters..

Posted by: conservblack at March 29, 2005 05:39 PM
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