March 09, 2005


Dan "Kenneth" Rather finally steps down after tonight's CBS Evening News, 24 years to the day after accepting the anchor chair from Walter Cronkite.

Rather, trying to establish his own identity and distance himself from Cronkite, experimented with closing his newscasts with the single word, "Courage." It fell flat.

Though many of us on the right insist that the "liberal bias" that Rather exemplifies may be curtailed with Kenneth's "dishonorable discharge" from the anchor desk, I would contend that there will be an increase -- after all, Peter Jennings, with all his biases, remains at the helm of ABC's World News Tonight, Aaron Brown, for all his foibles, is still at CNN, and though some might call Brian Williams a welcome change from Tom Brokaw at NBC, the entire gang of idiots behind the scenes are still there writing and editing the news in as antagonistic mode toward the right as is possible.

Many people point at Fox News, who at least doesn't pay short shrift to the right, as a "conservative organ." They refuse to pay attention to the time given to left-wing arguments and commentators on FNC; or they claim that "half the time" isn't enough for them.

So we come back full circle to "Kenneth" Rather. Once he steps down after tonight, Bob Schieffer takes the helm at CBS, while Rather becomes a full-time correspondent of CBS' 60 Minutes. So we haven't heard the last of him.

"Courage," indeed.

(More coverage from Michelle Malkin, Rather Biased, and others)

Posted by mhking at March 9, 2005 03:05 PM

i heard that schieffer wasnt any better

Posted by: shari at March 10, 2005 12:48 PM
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