February 02, 2005

SOTU Follow-up: Did Bush snub McKinney?

President Bush knocked it out of the ballpark tonight.

Others are doing some major-league live-blogging, so I'll leave the bulk of the commentary to them, but one thing did strike me.

President Bush appeared to have completely ignored "aisle-bird" Congresscritter Cynthia McKinney (Tin Foil-GA).

McKinney generally parks her ample butt along the center aisle hours prior to the State of the Union, or any other joint session of Congress where the President is slated to speak. She parks there in order to be certain to get her pearly whites on television while she shakes the President's hand.

Watching the President make his way down the aisle prior to the speech as well as back up the aisle afterward, I could see him stop to shake hands with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee (Moonbat-TX), but it looked like he completely ignored McKinney's presence.

I guess her "smile in your face, then stab you in the back" routine finally got old. It's about time.

(Live bloggers include LaShawn Barber, PowerLine, VodkaPundit, GOPBloggers, OTB, Michelle Malkin & Captain Ed, among others)

Posted by mhking at February 2, 2005 11:31 PM

I made sure to keep a close eye on that whole situation as well, and it definitely looks like he snubbed her as he entered (although the camera angle changed on CNN when he got to her part of the aisle).

It still seems pretty empty that she has to take the good seat to show off to the constituents, especially since it's just for a few seconds, and for the most part won't be acknowledged by the TV announcers.

And I'll say it again: It's too bad I got redistricted out of her domain just before I could vote against her in 2002.

Posted by: JQ at February 3, 2005 12:25 AM

Hume's comments about Jackson-Lee being on the aisle for photo opportunities on Fox News were unflattering.

Posted by: Laurence Simon at February 3, 2005 01:40 AM

Rep Jackson Lee does the same for every SOTU.

There's a reason why, "the most dangerous place to be is between Sheila Jackson Lee and a camera" joke lives on here in Houston.

Posted by: Bob at February 3, 2005 12:00 PM

Damn, I missed the fact that Mckinney was re-elected, The people in her district must be as stupid as the ones in S.J. Lee's.

Posted by: Tom at February 3, 2005 12:32 PM

It was kinda funny how the Prez just kept his back to her until he walked past. And I've never seen her grin so much.

Posted by: Eric at February 3, 2005 01:17 PM

Good writing. Made me LOL. Read it out loud to my husband. Keep it coming!

Posted by: Sissy Willis at February 3, 2005 04:08 PM
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