"She turned and attacked me," the California Democrat told CNN's "Late Edition" in describing the confrontation during the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing.According to the transcript and the aired video as shown on all the news networks and C-Span, Boxer was the one on the attack. Rice simply wouldn't stand still and play "punching bag" to Boxer's lazy attempts to verbally assault her."I gave Dr. Rice many opportunities to address specific issues. Instead, she said I was impugning her integrity," Mrs. Boxer said.
"I personally believe — this is my personal view — that your loyalty to the mission you were given, to sell this war, overwhelmed your respect for the truth," Mrs. Boxer told Miss Rice, who has been President Bush's national security adviser since 2001.Like I said the other day, Boxer got caught in her own lie, and is trying to backpedal and make certain that her lies stick in the media.Miss Rice responded that she "never, ever lost respect for the truth in the service of anything. It is not my nature. It is not my character."
"And I would hope that we can have this conversation and discuss what happened before and what went on before and what I said without impugning my credibility or my integrity," Miss Rice said.
It won't work, Senator. And you continue to look more and more like a raving lunatic, and less an honorable statesman, the more you keep munching on your shoes.
The full Senate is taking up the Rice confirmation today.
Posted by mhking at January 25, 2005 03:37 PMBarbara Boxer looks and sounds like a crazy aunt.
Posted by: random prose at January 26, 2005 02:41 AMYeah, poor lil ole white girl........got beat up by the mean black girl in her own back yard. Boohoo.
I wish they all could be cal-ah-fornia girrrrrls!!! Whiney ass.
Posted by: Beau at January 26, 2005 12:40 PMMore and more it seems that the mask is coming off of the Democratic Party.
Posted by: Getting My Mind Right! at January 26, 2005 06:50 PMBarbara Boxer, while a congressman, brought Anita
Hill to get Clarence Thomas. If you are black and not left-wing Democrat, she hates you. Yes our intelligence was wrong, but which senators
gutted the CIA and DIA for twenty plus years.
If the military side is wrong, that is the Pentagon's fault and not hers. The cartoons are
disgusting from so-called liberals. She is highly
intelligent 50-year-old woman whom the trio of
Biden, Kerry, and Boxer tore apart.
Barbara Boxer is the worst excuse for a Senator on Capitol Hill. Mind you, this is not a partisan statement, but a matter of fact.
Senators from both sides of the isle have been beating up witnesses before Senate Committees longer than anyone can remember. Boxer, not to her credit, has been the first Senator to lose a sparing match in a Senate committee in probably at least five decades.
It takes a special quality to be on the sure-fire winning side of the table, and then lose, as did Boxer. It is the quality of a bona-fide loser.
Boxer should retire.