January 17, 2005

100 pound girl downs 11 pounds of burger 'n fixin's at one sitting!

I'm a big man, and I'm in a constant struggle to lose weight these days.

But this waif of a girl, at a hundred pounds, soaking wet, won the challenge at Denny's Beer Barrel Pub in State College, PA, and didn't look any worse for wear afterward!

19 year-old Kate Stelnick, a Princeton student downed a six-pound burger plus fixins -- bun and all -- in just under three hours last Wednesday.

Denny Leigey Jr., the owner of the bar 35 miles northwest of State College, had offered a two-pound burger for years and conceived of the six-pounder after his daughter went to college and phoned him about a bar that sold a four-pounder.

But nobody had finished the big burger in the three-hour time limit since it was introduced on Super Bowl Sunday 1998. In addition to the meat, contestants much eat one large onion, two whole tomatoes, one half head of lettuce, 1 1/4 pounds of cheese, two buns, and a cup each of mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, relish, banana peppers and some pickles.

I feel sick just looking at this. A rice cake and a glass of water doesn't sound so bad any more.
(Courtesy Wizbang)

Posted by mhking at January 17, 2005 04:07 PM

Maybe I should forward her some of these online pharmacy ads I've been getting... she might could use a few anti-cholesterol drugs.

Posted by: Woody at January 18, 2005 02:57 AM

It's wrong to wish a heart attack on someone. I recognize that, really I do...

Posted by: Gib at January 18, 2005 09:14 AM

Alka Seltzer! Alka Seltzer!

Posted by: Fausta at January 18, 2005 09:27 AM

I have a growing problem highlighting the gastronomic excess by showing such contests.

To this day, if my mother sees me eating something walking down the street, she admonishes me that it's not polite.

She comes from the day when people really having no food to eat was not uncommon.

Posted by: DarkStar at January 18, 2005 01:54 PM

And I heard she also won the puke-and-choke competition that followed. First prize was a big bowl of green pea soup.

Posted by: James C. Hess at January 19, 2005 07:44 AM

Honestly, that's my kind of woman!

Posted by: Steve at January 21, 2005 10:35 PM
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