October 14, 2004

Jesse Jackson adds his own sound byte to the "Spin Cycle"

Jesse Jackson, joining the other partisan pundits in the post-debate "spin alley," making the round of the television networks, repeated an earlier criticism of the Bush Administration -- insisting that Bush was pushing the "ideology of the Confederacy."

"[Bush is pursuing] the states' rights ideology, in contrast to the Union; the embrace of [former Confederate President] Jefferson Davis rather than Abraham Lincoln," Jackson told CNSNews.com.

Jackson said the Bush administration can be compared to the Confederacy because "it's anti-labor and it's anti-civil rights, it's anti-workers rights, and that is the Confederacy, and it's why people like [Mississippi Senator] Trent Lott and [House Majority Leader] Tom Delay have disproportional power in this administration."

When asked if he thought Kerry would support his comparison of the Bush administration to the Confederacy, Jackson responded, "This is my language. Kerry supports the Union and Bush supports states' rights."

Jackson added that Kerry "supports workers' right to organize and Bush supports right-to-work laws. And so the contrast is stark and clear in my mind."

Democratic party head Terry McAuliffe thinks that it's OK to allow Jackson to spew his racial rhetoric on behalf of Kerry.
"The Reverend Jackson has spoken for himself his entire life and does a very effective job doing that."
Sounds like Jackson is trying to do his level best to position himself for a lucrative position in a Kerry Administration, where he can bully the right all he wants.

Posted by mhking at October 14, 2004 10:24 AM

Oh, you are so stupid.

"Democratic party head Terry McAuliffe thinks that it's OK to allow Jackson to spew his racial rhetoric on behalf of Kerry."

? what ?

You're own next sentence even says that Jackson was speaking on his own behalf.

"Sounds like Jackson is trying to do his level best to position himself for a lucrative position in a Kerry Administration, where he can bully the right all he wants."

First, no one would put Jackson in their administration - even if they promised him that. Never would happen. Second: Jackson bullies everyone, not just the right. I don't support his actions but at least tell the truth. Jackson bullies corporations, not individuals. If you mean to say that the right = corporations, then I'd agree.

Posted by: John Lamar at October 16, 2004 03:31 PM
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