August 30, 2004

Another toy found in FL candy depicts Osama bin Laden

Florida-based Lisy Corporation is at the center of another toy scandal.

If you'll remember the story from late last week, Lisy Corporation distributed bags of candy that contained a toy depicting the 9/11 disaster. Lisy recalled the candy in question, and said that a Miami importer got the toy for them.

The importer, L and M Imports, claimed that they didn't see the problem.

This week, a toy has been found with an image of Osama bin Laden standing between two towers.

"Importers did not realize what they were buying. They were buying assortments of toys and they get to people like us trying to sell authentic Mexican candies. Nobody caught it and it went out into the stores," explains Lisy Corporation manager Luis Pardon.

The manager of Lisy Corporation says the candy was originally purchased sight unseen, but now he'll send back all he's collected.

Hopefully, we won't see any more of these toys out there.

Posted by mhking at August 30, 2004 11:28 AM
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