August 19, 2004

US reporter set to be beheaded by AQ tomorrow

Al Jazeera has released yet another video of a hostage kneeling in front of a trio of masked terroristic thugs.

The soon-to-be-victim this time is American photojournalist Micah Garen, a filmmaker who was in Iraq to film a documentary on the looting of archeological treasures in Iraq, according to his fiancée, Marie-Helene Carleton, in their New York apartment yesterday.

A group calling itself the Martyrs Brigade released the video to the Arabic TV channel Al Jazeera. It showed Garen kneeling in front of five hooded terrorists holding rifles and a rocket-propelled grenade launcher.

The militants gave U.S. forces 48 hours to pull out of the holy city (of Najaf) before they would execute Garen, who was snatched from a shop in Nassiriya on Friday along with his interpreter.

This story seems to be sitting underneath the radar as far as the alphabet networks are concerned; perhaps they still feel burned by their prior experience with an American "executee" (the San Francisco moonbat who faked his beheading).

How long before we've had enough of this?

Posted by mhking at August 19, 2004 10:13 AM

And here I was hoping it would be Dan Rather.


Posted by: Laurence Simon at August 19, 2004 10:31 AM

The only thing beheading Dan Rather would accomplish is freeing his neck from his nether regions.

Posted by: McGehee at August 19, 2004 11:12 AM
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