July 29, 2004

Flash thoughts on Ketchup Boy's speech

"I'm John Kerry.....reporting for duty..."
I keep thinking about that old Tim Conway character. You know the one: "Floyd R. Turbo, 'Muricun." (followed by a cheap-looking salute)

He keeps talking about Vietnam like he did something major there. Let's see. He went in, promptly got "injured," went back in, got "injured" again, and third time out he came home -- all inside of four months.

He quietly ignores his protests against his "band of brothers" when he came home.

He also ignored his Senate votes against all military spending. And I won't even mention his blowing off all the votes this year so he could campaign.

Finally, his hands-and-knees style begging of the Bush team not to go negative along with his promise to keep to the "high road" -- right after trashing the GOP and the President six ways to Sunday.

The mark of desperation, indeed.

Oh. And what the heck was that about "hair pollution" in Harlem?

Posted by mhking at July 29, 2004 11:36 PM

Floyd R. Turbo was Johnny Carson. But the point is still valid.

Posted by: Tomp at July 30, 2004 08:27 AM

The hair pullution must be caused by all the grooming products The Good Hair Couple/Kedwards use, and their affinity for Final Net.

Posted by: Fausta at July 30, 2004 12:37 PM

Make that "pollution"

Posted by: Fausta at July 30, 2004 12:38 PM

I've got a somewhat humorous post on hair pollution. Click my name.

Posted by: spacemonkey at July 30, 2004 05:14 PM

at least he went to vietnam unlike the chimp who went awol from the air national guard.

to those who lambast him for speaking out against the war. he went, fought and decided that what he saw appalled him and felt it was his duty to speak out.

correct me if i am wrong but a patriot is someone who loves his country and is prepared to fight to save it, even if the fight needs to bwe against what the state is doing. In anycase there is a little thing called freedom of speech. Bill O'Reiloly and his "we have a duty as loyal americans to shut the hell up" garbage.

Kerry has every right to bring up his vietnam record and should be proud of the fact that he had the guts to speak out against what he saw. whatever happend to the liberal ideals of the United States?

Posted by: Nick Saunders at July 31, 2004 02:29 PM

Kerry has every right to bring up his vietnam record

And we have every right to bring up his Senate record -- in which he really has been AWOL, especially the past 18 months.

He wants us to believe four months in Vietnam sums up his 61-year life. I call bullsh!t.

Posted by: McGehee at August 1, 2004 12:21 PM

"at least he went to vietnam unlike the chimp who went awol from the air national guard."

Well, you didn't address the points, of course. You wanted to go the route of comparing Kerry to Bush. Unfortunately you followed with a vicious ad hominem ("chimp") and a bald-faced lie ("went AWOL").
I suppose you hope that if you repeat the lie enough that at least somebody might believe it, but I don't think that dishonesty has a place in legitimate debate, Nick.

"to those who lambast him for speaking out against the war. he went, fought and decided that what he saw appalled him and felt it was his duty to speak out."

Nobody is lambasting Kerry for speaking against the war. Plenty of people spoke out against the war and never lost credibility.
What John Kerry did was go to Vietnam, get three Purple Hearts for "wounds" that didn't even require Band-Aids, then come home and tell a bunch of lies about our soldiers being "war criminals" and committing atrocities as a matter of course, including himself.
When the soldiers came home they were not welcomed with open arms, they were called "baby killers", thanks to the propaganda that Kerry, Jane Fonda and their ilk were able to persuade some Americans with.

correct me if i am wrong but a patriot is someone who loves his country and is prepared to fight to save it, even if the fight needs to bwe against what the state is doing."

Sounds good to me. But I'd suggest doing it honestly.
Years ago there was TV anti-drug spot that showed normal brainwaves, and the brainwaves of someone high on pot. The "pot brainwaves" were almost flat-lined. When pro-legalization folks pointed out that this was a fraud, that marijuana produces MORE active alpha brainwaves, the people who created the ad said "Well, yeah, we know. But we did it anyway because the anti-drug message was just too important."
I don't how much you want to make a case, be it against pot smoking or the Vietnam war, you don't spin a web lies to do it, m'kay?

"In anycase there is a little thing called freedom of speech. Bill O'Reiloly [sic] and his "we have a duty as loyal americans to shut the hell up" garbage."

Of course, John Kerry has a freedom of speech, and so does everyone else. We will freely "lambast" him for his freely spoken lies. That's the American way.

""Kerry has every right to bring up his vietnam record and should be proud of the fact that he had the guts to speak out against what he saw."

But not what he made-up for the sake of his cause.

"whatever happend to the liberal ideals of the United States?"

They're right here. Welcome home!

Posted by: Tuning Spork at August 2, 2004 03:48 PM
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