May 05, 2004

Oliver, welcome to the Right Side

Former Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX) Congressional Chief of Staff Oliver Kellman can't hook up with his former boss these days.

Not that anyone was expecting her to truly call him back.

Why the switch? To put it bluntly, Kellman got tired.

"After I left the Hill, I opened up a lobbying shop [Kellman & Associates]. As a lobbyist, you work with people on both sides of the aisle....Really, I just got fed up. We’ve raised some money for the party, and just the attitude of the DNC [Democratic National Committee] toward returning our phone calls" was surprising.
LaShawn Barber finds it hard to believe that the notion of returning phone calls is enough to get you to switch horses, but I've seen decisions made over far less.

Does that make Kellman somewhat shallow? Perhaps; no more so than former Clinton staffer Dick Morris appears to be.

But the bottom line for Kellman: “I’m being ignored. There are a number of African-American lobbyists and we all say the same thing — we are being ignored.”
There's the larger issue.

Black America is taken for granted by the left. And an increasing number of black folks are getting sick and tired of it.

I'm glad to have him on our side of the aisle. Let's hope that his voice can add to the rest of ours.

Posted by mhking at May 5, 2004 08:57 AM

Michael- I had no idea you were making the move to Movable Type! I followed the trackback link and thought I was in the wrong place. I'll be joining you soon.

Posted by: La Shawn Barber at May 5, 2004 09:12 AM

It's about frazzlin' time, too!

I'm glad to be here!

Now, the next trick is to finish moving...

Posted by: mhking at May 5, 2004 09:25 AM

Hey Michael,

Oliver Kellman e-mailed me. I updated the blog entry to reflect that.

Posted by: La Shawn Barber at May 11, 2004 01:17 PM
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